Monday, February 16, 2015

Cheaters Never Win

  At the end of Week 3 I am feeling very discouraged. As you know, Jeff and I allowed ourselves to cheat in celebration of Valentine's Day with a decadent dinner at the Melting Pot. One sumptuous meal that ended with a sinful dessert course of treats dipped in molten chocolate. It was heavenly. And cost us dearly in our progress.

  Jeff has faired better than I this week, ending with an ever-so-slight weight gain of .2 pounds bringing his weight to 291.8. My weight jumped from 142.2 to 143.6 this week-a gain of 1.4 pounds. Katie is still at her dad's for the three-day holiday weekend and claims there is not a scale available, so I will update you on her progress tomorrow. Hopefully, she can redeem our little band of Valentine rebels with some more impressive results (no pressure, kiddo). 
  OK, I admit, we cheated on that one day. And it was a little over the top. To our credit, Jeff and I have been spot-on the rest of the week, sticking to the diet and eating healthy foods and avoiding carbs. We have been walking every day and getting in at least 10,000 steps.  We are tracking our activity with the Jawbone UPs and Nike apps. We have mapped out a few different paths to take that cover about 4 and a half miles each. Some include passing a local restaurant and a diner that we can stop at and have a low-carb meal. We are really making an effort to include walking (with a few short bursts of jogging) into our daily routine.
Yesterdays walk around beautiful Kitsap Lake. I love where we live!

 Jeff purchased a new Axis of Evil-a high-tech digital scale that links to an app to record our weight and BMI (he REALLY loves gadgets!). Our old scale is digital, but lacks the super-cool bluetooth capabilities and neat-o app. "AofE 2.0" is a dastardly little gizmo that has taken up residence in the bathroom and mocks me day and night. On it's first day in house, she logged my weight as nearly two pounds higher than her predecessor. Nasty little thing. 
I wish that was the reading on my scale this morning but no such luck!

  I have come up with a few theories as to why my body isn't cooperating with our commitment to drop those pounds. 
#1-My body is afraid to let go of the fat due to the cold environment I live in. 

#2-I am building up tremendous amounts of muscle in my sturdy legs and hips. Muscle weighs more than fat. That's science. Google it. 

#3-I am sleep-walking to the kitchen and nocturnally stuffing my face, thereby undoing any of the efforts I have worked so diligently at during the day. 

#4-Aliens are shooting added fat into my body with sophisticated extra-terrestrial instruments from outer space and are coming for me to probe, ponder and eventually keep as a pet. 

#5-Diet soda is destroying the effects of the low-carb diet (this is Jeff's theory)

#6-I need to poop more (gross, I know.) or 

#7-We shouldn't have cheated on Valentine's Day and we should toss out that new scale. 
They really could be the problem here.

  Jeff and I have made a decision to stick with this program at least until March, reevaluate our progress and try something different if it's still not working. Katie seems to be having the best results on this eating plan, so we might be having to split the difference somehow. I was hoping to keep us all on one program, but that may not work for all of us. 
  If you have any thoughts on what we could be doing different, leave me a comment below. And if you can communicate with the aliens, tell them to leave me alone!

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