Friday, February 27, 2015

Pride and Temptation

  This has been a very busy week, sorry I haven't posted for a couple of days. Yesterday I barely had time to get my walking in, but I managed to get 17,474 steps! Today, Jeff and I did over 20,000! That's right, double our goal. And I am paying for it! I hurt all over. Tomorrow is not gonna be fun. I have a full schedule and I am so sore. I'm tough, though. I'll make it. 
  As I said, I've been super-busy, but I have gotten in over 10,000 steps every day. However, earlier in the week my average had slipped a little. Down to around maybe 12,000 steps per day. So I got a "stop-being-such-a-wimp" message from my Jawbone UP band. Usually, the J.U. has been so supportive and uplifting, cheering on my accomplishments. But yesterday, it sent me a nasty-gram. Something to the effect of, "Hey slacker, you're falling of the pace. You need to pick it up again. Like, now. Before we buy you a one-way ticket to Fatty-Town." 
This is how my Jawbone UP makes me feel these days. 

  Now, I'm still exceeding my goals, but apparently I set the bar way too high in the beginning. What was I thinking? I should've started out slow and low, you know, show up the first day totally lazy and let the J.U. build me up into an amazing walking super-star with it's support and nurturing. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Stupid, competitive, show-off that I am, I have to start off high. So when certain chemical imbalances happen in my body that I anticipate every month and I just want to do the bare minimum, I have my digital drill sergeant taking me to task for it. So tonight I took it to a new level of endurance, or stupidity-your choice-and went overboard to prove to this bracelet that I'm not a loser. Is it possible that I am taking this thing a little too far? Yeah, maybe.
  Other not-so-intelligent moves I have made this week include a well-deserved but completely misguided cheat day for dinner last night. Jeff and I have really been crushing our walking goals as of late. I also discovered that the Lose It! app (the one that ties to the Axis of Evil 2.0) allows us to log all of our meals and snacks. You can even scan bar codes, although it reads my multivitamin as coffee. Weird. We can track our carbs and calories, protein, fiber, fats, sodium and cholesterol. It ties to the UP app and Nike app so we get bonus calories for all the walking. It's pretty cool. And it gives us a (possibly false) sense of dietary pride in how healthy we are eating and how closely we follow our eating plan. 

I think a weekly parade would really help motivate me on those slow days...

  Feeling so darn good about ourselves, we decided to go off-diet at dinner. We were trying out a place near our house that neither of us had been to in a long time. Jeff really wanted a good hamburger nestled in a fluffy, delicious bun, instead of resting atop a salad. When I saw they had tater tots on the menu, I got inappropriately excited over deep-fried potato products. We threw caution to the wind and even ordered jalapeno poppers for appetizers.
  Big mistake for me. All of it. The poppers were fine. They were most likely a frozen product, but fine. The hamburgers were described in the menu as being a special blend of meats from a local (well-known and well-respected) butcher, the buns-freshly baked daily. And golden, crispy tater tots. Oh mouth-watering, succulent joy! I could hardly wait! It felt so good to be bad!

Who doesn't love tots?????

  But, alas, the hamburger was just a hamburger. It looked to be a previously frozen, flat patty on a plain-old grocery store bun. My tots were divine, but certainly not worth the whole carb-laden rebellion. I could only finish half the burger and half the tots. The food wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't great. Not worth the wasted carbs and calories. Perfectly pedestrian and plainly packaged pickings. I was fairly dejected after the meal. 
  This morning, facing the Axis of Evil 2.0, I got exactly what I deserved. A 1.2 pound gain (possibly water-retention?) and the not-so-inspiring message from Jawbone. I still have 2 days until weekly weigh-in, so maybe I can recover before then. I ate better today and walked all those ridiculous steps. I have learned my lesson. If you're gonna cheat-make sure it's worth it (hello Melting Pot!) and don't give in to temptation on a whim. 

My mantra for next month.

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