Wednesday, February 4, 2015

So, What are you guys EATING, anyway?

  At Katie's suggestion, we decided to try a low-carb eating plan. Jeff had tried the Atkins plan years back with great success, so we agreed to start with that. So far, it seems to be kicking this thing off right. I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the plan, some of you may have tried it, others know someone who has tried it and still others think you know what it's all about. Let me break it down for you:
  It's a plan in four stages. The first two weeks is called the Induction Phase. This is the super-strict part. We are limited to 20 grams of net carbs per day. Yep, that's it. The idea being this will get our bodies into a state of "ketosis" or "lipolysis" which means "the dissolving of fat". Your body will turn to stored fat for energy due to the absence of carbs. Sounds simple enough.
  Side note on carbs: Diabetes runs strong in my family and Katie's dad's family. Diabetics are restricted to 45 grams of net carbs a day for women, 60 grams a day for men (SEXIST!!!!). Currently, Katie, Jeff and I are not diabetic or pre-diabetic. Limiting carbs may help us keep it that way.
  After the first two weeks, we then begin the "On-Going Weight-Loss" Phase. We get to add 5 grams of net carbs per day each week until weight loss stops. Then you back off that last 5 grams of net carbs the next week to get you to the amount that will keep you losing weight for the remainder of the weight-loss phase.
  "But Ang," you say (and for the record, don't call me "Ang", cuz I hate that) "what exactly are you EATING?" The "free" foods are meats, seafood, cheeses and eggs. 0 carbs in all that stuff. Well, cheese has a little bit, so we're careful with that. Then we get either 3 cups of salad greens or 2 cups salad greens and 1 cup of veggies. But not the starchy ones like potatoes. And we get fats like sour cream, mayo, oil and vinegar. Of course lots of water, and I'm drinking coffee with half & half (oh Coffeemate, how I miss you!).
  Yes, we get to have nature's candy-BACON. Mmmmmmmmmm
But we don't eat it by the truckload. And even though we had to give up bread and pasta (that is a sacrifice I struggle with), I get to have my other favorite. CHEESE!
  I know I said we threw out all the unhealthy, processed, high-carb evil lurking in the pantry. And we did (ok, Jeff did. He is my rock), we then purchased some of the Atkins meal-replacement shakes, meal bars and snacks. I know, I know. Processed=unhealthy. But to stay on track and simplify, we did what we had to do. And I'll do it again, I tell you! Breakfast can be a challenge for Jeff who gets up at 5:00 a.m., sometimes earlier. So he grabs some of these for breakfast on-the-go. Katie typically has hard-boiled eggs, ham, cheese or the shakes or meal bars. I have never been much for breakfast-did I mention I LOVE my coffee?
  Lunch and dinner (Katie packs her lunch now instead of eating school lunches) are typically chicken, hamburger patties (no bun), tuna, salmon, a lovely pork roast Jeff cooked me the other night, and salad, or some other veggie. Yep, that's it. Oh, and did I mention the bacon? And the cheese? Oh, you got that. Cool.
  We drink lots of water (Katie likes the Crystal Lite On the Go packets to add sometimes), I like herbal tea, and Jeff and I drink diet soda (I know, I know! We're only human! Diet Dr. Pepper is the elixir of the Gods. So refreshing, so tasty). Katie won't touch diet soda with a 10-foot straw and I think we'll keep it that way.
  The Atkins treats also help with the sugar cravings. All three of us have the dreaded "sweet-tooth" (Hi. My name is Angela and I'm a chocoholic). There was an epic battle over throwing out our beloved Nutella. If you don't know what that is DON'T TRY IT!!! It's addictive in the worst way. But so good. *sigh*
Isn't it beautiful?
However, with nothing to spread it on (bacon?), it seemed silly to keep it. Although Katie has the last jar in her room. I think she may have built a shrine to it and prays for its safe return someday. I don't blame her.
  So next week, we get to start adding some more diverse veggies, a little fruit and in the coming weeks, some whole grains. This is the Atkins food pyramid:
I do love a visual!
  Also, I added a calcium supplement (little chocolate chews-2 grams of carbs. So worth it) at the suggestion of my brother. He is diabetic (Type 2) and manages his diabetes with diet. We need to keep our bones strong and healthy. Katie is still growing and I don't want to develop osteoporosis. At 5'2" I really don't have much height I can afford to lose! Also, I'm holding out for Katie to reach a more average height (5'6"?).
  So that's the food plan. We eat, we're full and we're losing weight and getting healthy. Love it!



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