Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 2 Wrap-Up

  Sorry I've been MIA for a couple of days. It's been busy around here! We haven't been getting any walks in, except for Jeff who walked 6 miles to help out a friend yesterday. His blisters have finally healed up to where he can walk comfortably again. I have been trying to work some of the kinks out of this blog and discover my own "Googliness". Thank heaven I have my own personal "Geek Squad" right here under my own roof. I think I have the bugs worked out and I will be trying to get you all back in touch with my page. Thanks for being patient with my lack of tech-nerdery. I'm more of a literary nerd, not so great with the fancy buttons and stuff.  
  So here's how our countdown is going:

  Katie is once again the big winner this week! She has lost another 5 pounds-that's a total of 31 pounds she's down already. I am so proud of her (and a little jealous, I'll admit).

She has mostly stuck to the diet plan, although she had a cupcake one day and a cookie on another day. Ah, to be 15 again and have a metabolism that works! I am still not allowed to post her weight, but I'm confident that if she keeps up this progress, I'll be able to fill you in soon!
  Jeff has stuck to the diet and gotten in a little walking, but his weight remains at 291.6. So, zero pounds lost this week. But, I know he's a fighter. He'll step it up this week and get that scale moving again. 
  This morning at breakfast-Jeff fixed us all bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese-we were discussing our weigh-in. Katie said, "This isn't a competition" (easy to say when you are the winner!). Jeff and I chimed in unison, "Yes. It is!" Although we are supporting each other as a family, we are also fiercely competitive people and we all want to be the big winner. It's one of those things that drives Jeff and I. That competitive edge. Katie, not so much.
  I did much better this week. I lost 4.4 pounds! WOOT WOOT! I more than doubled my weight loss from last week. And that was with the re-entrance of coffee to my morning ritual.

If Dr. Atkins was still alive, I would write him a strongly worded letter about trying to deprive me of my coffee. That's right, I said a LETTER, not an email, cuz I rock the USPS like your grandma sending birthday checks. Keeping people employed. That's just how I roll.
  So my total weight loss so far is 6.4 pounds bringing me to 142.4. Jeff is still 291.6. Katie is slimmer than she was before. We have a combined total weight loss so far of 43 pounds! That's a pretty good chunk of that 225 for two weeks worth of work. Yay Team!

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