Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 4 Weigh In

  The end of week 4 brings us some happy results! Breaking it down for ya'll (yep, I said "ya'll"):
  Katie has lost another 5 pounds this week! Wow! Her total weight loss in four weeks has been 37 pounds! Have I mentioned that she cheats sometimes? Amazing! For the most part, she sticks with the eating plan. She eats healthy about 85% of the time (I'm totally guessing here). Just cutting most of the processed foods and sodas out of her daily diet has made such a difference. She gets a lot of walking in at school and play rehearsals. Katie is an awesome kid and such an inspiration. Thank goodness for her incredible results-she's carrying our team!
You can really see the difference in Katie's face! She's so awesome!

  Jeff lost 2 pounds this week! That's a total of 7.8 pounds so far! He is 289.2 pounds today-under 290! WooHoo! We have eaten steak for dinner 3 times this week with lots of yummy roasted veggies. Can you believe that? The blister on his foot is healing and makes it easier to walk every day. I get the honor of nursing him back to health, changing the bandages and applying ointments to speed up healing. I WILL be cashing in on that later when I need a little TLC. Yesterday we walked nearly 7 miles. That was a little too ambitious for me. So I think we'll dial it back a little this week to 4 or 5. I know, you'll never know what you can accomplish if you don't try. Well, I tried. And I know my threshold right now is 5-ish miles. We'll boost it up again in a week or two.

I'm trying!!!!!

  I weighed in at 141.2 pounds this morning which means I lost 2.4 pounds this week! Yay me! That brings me down a total of 7.6 pounds so far. Another 5 pounds will bring my BMI into the "normal" range. My average daily step count is in the 14,000 range. I have been working as a playground monitor this last week which is definitely helping me get those steps in-chasing the kids around outside. So easy it almost feels like cheating. 

Any of you kids up for a game of dodgeball? Miss Angela needs to get her steps in!

  Our team weight loss for the week (if you didn't already do the math) is 9.4 pounds. Our total weight loss so far is 51.8 pounds! In a month! WOWZA! I have to say, I am so proud of us! #notsohumblebrag (eww-did she REALLY just do that????? Yeah, I did!) We are 22% of the way to our goal weight! Feeling good!
  Here's a quick little story for you to wrap things up. Yesterday Jeff and I were shopping for dinner. He was talking out loud, "Ok, we've got chicken, green beans, red peppers, mushrooms. It feels like we're forgetting something. What are we forgetting?" I said, "Carbs. Duh." He just laughed and said, "Yeah. I guess that's it." So, I guess we're not 100% indoctrinated into the low-carb lifestyle. Somewhere in our heads is a little voice that says, "You need a box of mac-n-cheese to go with that. You know you want it. All the cool kids are eating it." But I've found the longer we stick with the program, the less I am enticed by the foods I used to think I couldn't live without. Turns out, there is life after pasta!
Gone but not forgotten...