Thursday, February 19, 2015

Winded and Wounded But We Keep Walking

  So Lent has begun and we are off to a great start. Jeff and I got in 18,854 and 16,907 steps respectively yesterday. Katie got in 10,433 steps yesterday-her first day with her Jawbone UP. Most of them from just being at school and play rehearsals. She finished off the last couple of thousand roller-skating last night. She used to be in roller derby a couple of years ago (her derby name is Hurricane Katrina) but took a break from it to pursue other activities. Maybe she'll get back to it one day.
  I haven't had a cigarette since Tuesday afternoon. Feeling pretty good so far. I don't use gum, patches, mints or meds. Just straight-up cold turkey. I never really smoked a lot-3 or 4 cigs a day. It's hardest to break the routines, like my morning cigarette and coffee. When I was craving a cigarette this afternoon, I headed to the trails and went for a walk. We live next to a golf course and a disc-golf course so lots of places to walk with equal opportunity for a head injury. I love the danger! 
  I decided to venture off through the disc-golf course and N.A.D. park. Nice walk-a little damp today, but not too cold. And, since Jeff wasn't with me, I was able to stop and take some pictures:

I REALLY wanted to walk across these, but thought better of it, since I was alone.

I wonder who lives in the little hollow in this tree?

  I don't know for a fact that Jeff would be opposed to stopping our walks for a photo opp, but he's more of a "charge ahead and get her done" kind of guy, while I'm a "take my sweet time and enjoy the view" kind-of girl. I do tend to get a little wrapped up in my head, which causes Jeff some anxiety on our walks. We tend to do a lot of street-walking (yes, I do know what I said there) as opposed to trails or tracks. And there aren't a lot of sidewalks around these here parts. I sometimes "space-out" on looking at things or on what we're talking about and start to ignore safety issues like cars coming at me. Poor Jeff has to steer me out of harm's way on nearly every walk at least once. Thankfully, he hasn't just sat back to "watch what happens". Not even once. Chivalry is NOT dead! I keep telling him that a gentleman would always walk on the outside, to protect his lady. I think he might just get tired of having to save my life and buy me a rhinestone collar and leash for my birthday! A girl likes a little bling-bling, right?

I'd probably wear this one. Don't judge me.

  I am super-proud of us all for getting our steps in and being committed to our goals, but we are definitely paying the price. I have bad knees and a bad back. Getting in a 4+ mile walk on hilly concrete roads is taking it's toll. I think today I am starting to work through it a little better. Not feeling as sore. But there are days when one or both of my knees is swollen with fluid and hurts so bad I don't want to face another step. Jeff is really good about rubbing my aches and pains when I ask. He says our bodies just need to get used to being active every day. I hope he's right. 
  Jeff is suffering right along with me. For him, it's his feet that get the worst of it. If you remember back in Week 1, Jeff got an angry blister on the ball of his right foot. It was big and angry. Well, that one popped and peeled and the skin-flap got hard and now he has a new blister that formed under it. Under the skin-flap. Bigger and angrier than before. He sent me a photo. Scroll past quickly if you have a weak stomach:

I love him, but that is possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!

  Poor guy! I know once it heals, walking is gonna be so much better for him. He is determined to keep at it. So, I got him some medicated, antibiotic band-aids and mole-skin to keep it covered and clean. We can't let this keep us from our goals-and I know he won't!
  We are sticking to our eating plan and really enjoying it. We are experimenting with different foods and preparations. Dinner last night was grilled sirloin steak (Jeff handled the meat, of course) with sauteed garlic butter shrimp and roasted asparagus, red bell pepper and mushrooms with olive oil and sea-salt (that was my part). I loved it so much I took a photo for you guys:

That's a lot of food! And way more appetizing than the foot photo. 

    Jeff and I will be doing some entertaining in the next couple of days. I am a little nervous about preparing low-carb menus that will satisfy guests as well as keep me on track. Jeff got us a new Atkins cookbook with some great recipes, so I'll let you know how it goes. But for now, we've got to get our walking shoes on and get moving!