Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Virtual Models and My Hero

Me at 139 pounds
Me at 110 pounds

  How wacky-cool is this? Model My Diet ( is this funky website where you can create a model of yourself at your previous weight, current weight and goal weight to see where you've been, where you are and what you will look like (possibly) when you reach your target. You fill in your body shape, height, weight, click on "More Options" to change skin tone, hair color and style, and other features as well as clothing and backgrounds. Then you can update your weight loss, track your progress and watch your virtual model change shape. It's like a crazy, high-tech version of paper dolls. I used to love paper dolls! I don't know, though. Is this taking it a little too far? Is it a little too "Weird Science"? Does anybody else hear Oingo Boingo?  
  So aside from this weirdness (which I admit, I really dig!) Things are going along same as always, ups and downs. One thing that has crossed my mind is that at some point, Jeff is going to decide that walking with me is far too stressful and that he will strike out on his own. I am probably the most irritating walking partner. Oh, he doesn't say it. I just know that I am. You see, I am super-distracted. Either I'm yakking away, talking about my day or something I saw or read or did or said, or I'm daydreaming and just not paying attention. 
Me on one of our walks, If I were a transformer.

  I tend to do really careless things, like nearly walking into a guardrail while texting (Jeff pulled me back just before I went heels over head onto the ground) or crossing the street without REALLY looking both ways (and Jeff pulls me back off the street). I rarely hear cars coming. I will be looking at something to my right and drifting to my left into traffic (as Jeff guides me back to safety with one hand on the small of my back) or nearly sliding into a ditch because I didn't judge the slope and distance correctly. Ok, that last one hasn't happened yet. But it's only a matter of time. And I'm sure my gentleman Jeff will save me from my own clumsiness and lack of focus when it does happen. He's like my super-hero. Constantly having to save my hide. I'm lucky he doesn't have to change into a spandex suit first!
Every walk looks just like this. 

  Another "fun" quirk I have is a temperamental attitude. Some days I'm all pumped and ready for walking wherever he may lead me. On occasion, I have even been slightly impatient with his leisurely demeanor, huffing with arms crossed, waiting for him to tie his shoes. We have walks where I am speeding up the hill ahead of him and others where I am dragging behind. Other times, I am completely lackluster, sullen, or whiny. Especially if I'm having knee or back pain. I can turn into a petulant toddler, "Why are we taking the big hill? Can't you slow down? Can we just go on a short walk today? Are we there yet?"
  Jeff could choose to exercise with one of his friends, or alone. But I'm lucky enough that he wants to walk with me. As challenging as I can be, he still says that our walks are the best part of his day. Even when he doesn't feel like walking when we leave the house, he is always in a good mood by the time we get home. I'm amazed at his sunny, positive disposition after a not-so-sunny exercise session with me. He is definitely a driving force for me, always seeing the silver lining. 
  Sometimes on the weekly weigh-ins, he does really well and I don't. He will downplay his success because he doesn't want me to be discouraged with myself. He sometimes appears to feel guilty for doing so well, or that he's afraid I will be mad at him because he had a better week than me. It's true that I am fiercely competitive. But I am always so proud of him-even when I'm frustrated with my own ineptitude. I know how lucky I am to have him as my partner in life and on this path to health. I do try to make it up to him when I have been a sourpuss. I give him foot rubs and back rubs or cook for him. I know I need to try harder to stay as upbeat as he is and focus on all the positive things that are happening right now. And I need to be reminded that this is not a competition, it's cooperative. When one of us does well, we all win!

Jeff's new motto for our walks!

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