Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 7 Weigh In

  I'm a day late on our weekly weigh-in post. But here's the recap on me, Jeff and Katie:
  Katie once again is our big winner this week! She has lost another 4 pounds-a total of 44 pounds in 7 weeks! She's so amazing!
  I weighed in yesterday at 137.8 pounds-a 1.6 pound loss for the week. Right on track! I have been diversifying my diet a little these last few weeks. I have added some bread back into my eating plan, and we tried Paleo Pizza crust (not my fave). Occasionally I will indulge in half an English muffin with breakfast or a small serving of tater tots at the 19th Hole for dinner. I have become a bit of a "carb snob" as of late. If I don't love it, I don't eat it. Jeff and I decided to split a waffle at breakfast this weekend. Sinful! But to be perfectly honest, it was a disappointing waffle. Overcooked and devoid of flavor. I took two bites and left the rest. It just wasn't worth the cheat. I also had a fluffy omelet and a sliced tomato on my plate, and that was more than enough. So Jeff finished off the whole thing. Plus his omelet and tomato. Whoops!
Now THIS would've been worth cheating for!

  So it's basically my fault that Jeff lost zero weight this week. He didn't gain any either, his weight remains the same as last week-283.4 pounds. He has had a few meal cheats this week. First the waffle, then he had an El Diablo pizza and a Ridgetop Red beer at Silver City for dinner. We both are testing the carb-infested waters to find out what we can get away with adding to our diets.
This looks less scary than seeing what pasta will do to our progress!

Sometimes it turns out ok, sometimes we sabotage ourselves. Sometimes we feel pretty guilty about what we're sneaking onto the plate, other times we have a throw-caution-to-the-wind, they'll-never-take-me-alive attitude. I think we are testing each other at times, sort-of a challenge, like "You gonna try and stop me?" Or maybe a little, "Join me! A little naughty can be nice!" You go, we go!
We may slip and fall, but we help each other get back up!

  Also this weekend, Jeff and I became members of that elite club-Costco. Now we can purchase low-carb goodies in enormous quantities, some for truly outstanding prices. In all honesty, Jeff is just in it for their hot dogs. I was hoping they would have some of the Atkins stuff, but no such luck. On our first exploration of Costco as a team, I enjoyed wandering around and snacking on a lot of the offerings-including a lip-smacking bite of cherry pie. Oh, how I wanted a whole cherry pie! I considered doing laps through that aisle to get enough pie samples to make a whole piece, but I think that might have embarrassed Jeff to the point of no return. He was much stronger than I on this excursion and resisted all of the samples. I don't think I have that kind of fortitude in me. It's all I can do to not bring home their deli mac-n-cheese (TRUST! It's the most amazing gooey delicious pasta dish ever!)
Saying "no" would be like turning down Grandma.

  There are a lot of temptations out there-in the grocery store, at restaurants, at parties and events. Most of the time, we do a good job of sticking to the plan. And we get our 10,000 steps in every day. Though to be honest, we were doing a lot better at topping our goals a week or two ago. We have both had several days where we had to force ourselves to get the bare minimum. Neither of us has missed a day, yet. But we're not pumping out 20,000 step days anymore, either. On our Jawbone UP team, we have fallen from first and second place to third and seventh as of today's 7-Day total. Definitely gonna have to step up our game if we're gonna get back on top!
   My new goal is a new pair of sneakers when my Nike App tells me I've reached 300 miles. As of today, I'm almost halfway there at 145.3 miles since I started on February 12th-33 days ago! So by mid-April it will be SHOE-SHOPPING TIME! Maybe I can get motivated so I can get those new shoes early? And who knows, by then I might have lost enough weight and inches that I'll need a whole new wardrobe. Dare to Dream!

I love my Asics Gel. Like cozy pillows for my feet!

  The three of us have lost a combined 5.6 pounds this week and a total combined 68 pounds even in 7 weeks! We're doing it TOGETHER!

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