Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Week 20-Pie Oh My!

  Week 20 has come and gone and we are inching toward our goals! As always, there are temptations around every corner. Sometimes, we are able to stay strong and stick with our plan to lose weight and eat healthy. Often we find the desire to succumb to our weaknesses for sweet, salty or fatty delicacies and the social aspect of sharing a meal, no matter what it may cost us later.
I can't believe you guys can't get it together for one whole week!

  This past Sunday found Katie and I at the church's fellowship time following Sunday service, hosted by our Disciples Women's Ministry. These wonderful ladies were hosting their annual Pie and Ice Cream Social, a fundraiser to benefit the group's community outreach. I have known these women for a long time, some of them since I was a teenager, and see them as family. Here they were, offering up pies home-baked and prepared with love, asking for donations to support those in need in our neighborhood. How do you say "no" to that? Oh, sure, we could have just given them a few dollars and passed on the pie. But do you tell your favorite aunt or sweet little grandma "no thanks" when she is serving up baked goods she created herself? Of course you don't! I selected a delicious cheesecake with blueberry topping. That's healthy, right? Blueberries have antioxidants, after all, and there has to be calcium in cheesecake, right? And I did pass on the ice cream. Although we allowed temptation in, I feel it was a lesser sin than to not support the ministry of our church and break the hearts of these women who carry out God's work. 
Would YOU say no to this???

  For the most part, we do a pretty good job of eating healthy and sticking to the eating plan. I think it's ok to occasionally let go and have a treat. As long as we don't get carried away and abandon our diet altogether, we'll still be healthy and lose weight.
  Katie has been celebrating the end of school and friend's graduations for the last week or so, which contributed to a one pound weight gain. Summer is going to be a challenge for her, I think. A lot of tempting treats and fun with friends. We're going to have to find ways for her to stay active and I'll join her if she wants me to. 
  Jeff lost .2 pounds this week. I don't know where he slid off the plan. A few beers with friends maybe? He's still losing weight and he is determined to lose at least another 12 pounds between now and the end of July when we will be heading down the Oregon Coast to the dunes so he can ride his quad and feel the wind in his hair and the sand in his shorts. He's got 5 weeks, so Jeff really needs to get focused on his goals. He'll need to shed more than 2 pounds per week if he wants to hit 260 before our trip. 
He's gonna get better jumps in this year!

  I managed to drop 1.6 pounds this week (could've been 2 pounds if I hadn't had that cheesecake I'll bet!). But I am not complaining! I am currently 128.6 pounds with a BMI of 23.5! I weigh a little less than I did when Jeff and I first started dating and it feels really good! I read somewhere that George Clooney's wife said she sees herself as an extension of him when they go out, and I like that analogy. I want Jeff to be proud to have me on his arm (not that he wasn't when I was plumper). 
We look just about the same as these two, don't ya think?

  So our team weight loss for the week is .8 pounds and to date it's 97 pounds even. *sigh* We'll get there one of these days!

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