Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 24-Did You Miss Me?

  Ok, Ok, I've been a bad little blogger and missed a few weeks. Summer makes the time go by so quickly, I lost track of the days (and the weeks). I'll bet you thought we had given up. No Way! We are not quitters! Slackers, maybe, but not quitters!
I just wish it could last another 6 months or so!

  Last time I wrote to you was my 45th birthday-and it was wonderful! We had a barbecue at our house and it was so yummy! We made that incredible faux-potato salad (sans potatoes, add cauliflower), the BEST barbecue chicken (lovingly prepared by my Grill-Master boyfriend), macaroni salad, and yes, there was CAKE! Mom made me a yellow cake with chocolate frosting (my favorite! No angel food!) and it was SO GOOD! Two of our guests brought watermelons-they know we are eating healthier and figured there would be no cake. Fooled Them!!! But the watermelon was delicious! 

Happy Birthday to me with my favorite guy!
Me and my very-slimmed-down Katie!

Two of my best girlfriends!

 And of course, my incredibly generous friends and family brought me NINE bottles of wine! They know me so well! It was a terrific birthday-the best one I have ever had! So I never have to have another one. Unless folks are in the mood to bring me wine and cake next year. Then, maybe. 
Now THAT'S my kind of birthday cake!

  With this wonderful summer weather and so much to celebrate, we have been allowing ourselves more treats and cheats. But for the most part, we are still sticking to the plan. Still eating lots of healthy veggies-summer salads taste so good! Everything is so fresh and flavorful this time of year. I would like to say we have been getting more exercise, but I hate to lie. Jeff's dad DID take the time to create a PickleBall court in our driveway, but we haven't used it much. Jeff got in some exercise on the 4th of July-swimming in the lake at his aunt Leslie's house and attempting to use a paddleboard. I didn't venture into the water due to my completely irrational fear of drowning. I think I may have been a cat in a former life. It's possible. You didn't know me then.

  At any rate, we are still losing weight, so we're on the right track. We're just in the slow lane. Yeah, we are the sweet little old lady who can barely see over the dashboard doing 45 on the highway. With our turn signal on. Looking for the exit to the bakery. 

Gotta sit on a 4 pack of toilet paper because they don't print phone books anymore!

  Since my birthday I have lost .4 pounds. Not very impressive returns this time, but it's still moving in the right direction. I have no regrets! Axis of Evil, you will NOT bring me down!!! So my current weight is 128.4 pounds and my BMI is 23.5!
  Jeff has been up and down these last few weeks. Yes, he got up on that paddleboard, but he downed a few sweet and sugary Mike's Hard lemonades first. Those things are so tasty, but they are carbohydrate BOMBS! So his current weight is 269.6, which is up .6 pounds from last weigh-in. He's still under 270, so we're gonna call this a win and keep at it for next week!
  Katie and her super-teenage metabolism has beaten us again with a 3.6 pound loss! She's enjoying her summer like a champ-sleeping until noon, enjoying summer treats. But it's all going in the right direction. High school swim team practices will begin soon enough and I'm sure she will melt off the pounds quickly. She's gonna be such a svelte little mermaid!
  So our team weight loss for this week (3 weeks?) is 3.4 pounds with a total weight loss of 105 pounds even! Next week should be even better because we have no holidays or birthdays to celebrate. Bring on the salads!!!
If only I could spend the rest of the summer like this and still lose weight!


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