Saturday, February 20, 2016

Mall Rats

It just takes a little ingenuity...
  Welcome to the weekly weigh-in! Care to join us? 

  Katie has been sick this week, staying in bed for a few days trying to recover. Without any physical activity she posts a 3 pound gain this week. Fear not, for she is youthful and determined! Once this illness is behind her, Katie will be back to dancing at play rehearsals, racing around school to her classes and maybe joining Jeff and I for walks or a bike-ride. Something to celebrate-Katie's report card! First semester grades are A's and B's with one D, which she had mixed emotions about. Katie has never received a "D" in her entire academic career. This grade is in her AP World History-a really tough class with a TON of homework. With all of Katie's extracurricular activities and a few illnesses, she fell behind in the class and struggled to complete assignments she missed. However, she was failing the class shortly before the end of the semester, so to be passing with even a D was a great relief. It's a good life lesson for Katie about having priorities and not taking on more than you can realistically handle (something her mother struggles with at times). So, lesson learned, ever forward and regroup for second semester! I'm super-proud of this kid!
Ummmmm...that's not how those work.

  I managed a 1.6 pound loss this week. Not an amazing accomplishment, but it's moving in the right direction. Jeff and I did manage to get a couple of walks in this week, even with the uncooperative weather. Ever-present grey skies and rain that never seems to let up make it a challenge to get motivated to pull on my sneakers and head out. Tuesday night was decent enough weather that we were able to enjoy a nearly 5-mile walk around Kitsap Lake. Our plan to walk on Thursday was almost derailed by a family emergency (no worries, all is well). I didn't get home until 7:00 that evening. And it was raining, but we weren't going to let that stop us! I suggested we walk the local mall. Now, to be clear, Jeff is not really a "mall" kind-of guy. He has on many occasions emphatically expressed his great dislike for shopping and people. But without a gym membership or other access to an indoor track, we were limited in our options.
I wish our mall had a carousel so we could get in a little horse-back riding, too.

  I did not bring my purse with me, so this bit of exercise had the added benefit of zero-cost, as opposed to my less-successful and more pricey, Costco workout. Oddly, Jeff (who shops almost exclusively online) was disappointed that I didn't have any desire to browse the shops. "I thought we'd at least look around while we're here", he said. I had to explain that we were only at the mall for the exercise, not for buying stuff we don't need. What a backwards scenario that is, huh? Can't you picture me, sitting in a chair, holding Jeff's wallet (come on! He doesn't carry a purse!) and sighing with extreme boredom while he peruses the racks? Sure, that's gonna happen. Right after I spend a weekend on a video game marathon while Jeff binge-reads the "Little House on the Prairie" book series (yes, I have that if you want to borrow it sometime). 
Honey, would you mind holding this while I try on some dresses? 

  So we circled the mall indoors about three times and did a final loop around the outside for a total of 4.77 miles. We did stop in the comic book store for a few minutes. And I saw half a dozen things I might have to go back and pick up later. Maybe next time I WILL bring my purse... At any rate, we got in a good walk and did not get soaked doing it. We may have to add a mall crawl into our routine on the regular. Especially on rainy days and when summer finally hits our area. It will be nice to walk in an air-conditioned mall during those two or three really hot weeks we get in July/August. 
  Jeff is our big winner this week with a 4.8 pound loss! WOW! At 272.6 pounds he is now only three pounds away from where he left off in July when we let this thing get away from us! Maybe now he'll be ready to buy some new pants that fit, since we're at the mall anyway. 
  Our team loss for the week is a total of 3.4 pounds, even with Katie's gain. As long as we keep it moving in the right direction, we call it a win! And our Team Loss To Date is 66.2 pounds. Hopefully, Katie will be in better health this week and I won't get sick. I've been around a lot of sick people these last couple of weeks. I need to throw down some vitamins and Airborne to keep myself healthy! It's really hard to get in any exercise when you feel like crap. So, I'm just not gonna let that happen! 

As always-comments and questions are appreciated. Email me at

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