Monday, February 15, 2016

Pennies From Heaven

  We're off to a pretty good start! Weigh-in day was Friday morning, so we only had two days to show any improvement and we KILLED it! Katie lost 2.4 pounds between Wednesday and Friday! She had let her commitment to healthy eating slip quite a bit over the last several months and she has been drinking a lot of soda. So just giving up the carbonated demon and keeping active with dance rehearsals for the high school musical, Katie is set up to take control once again. 
  Jeff lost 1.2 pounds bringing his weight to 277.4 pounds. Over the last week Jeff and I walked Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday logging in a respectable 14.74 miles. Katie hasn't joined us for a walk yet. She fully intended to pull on her sneakers and head out with us Friday morning, but when I tried to wake her up at 7:00 a.m. to hit the pavement, she had changed her mind, favoring sleeping in over exercise. Shocker! A teenager who wants to sleep in on the weekend????? That is entirely unexpected!!!

Generally a sweet kid, but the claws come out when you raise her from her weekend slumber!
  Jeff and I started out on this misty morning with slightly different itineraries in mind. I wanted to stop at The Garage Bar and Grill for breakfast first. The Garage is a little over a half mile from our front door and serves up meaty omelets, an excellent Eggs Benedict and strong, hot coffee. Perfect way to fuel up before our walk. Jeff also wanted to stop there and have their Toolbox omelet-a 6-egg loaded-with-meat-and-veggies delight for a man-sized hunger, but he wanted to walk FIRST and EARN his meal. So we chose exercise over nourishment. 
  Halfway into our 4 miles the soft mist turned into a full-on downpour. A couple of miles from home we had no choice but to continue walking in this Northwest shower. After another mile of walking we were drenched, our not water-proof work-out wear heavy with retained raindrops and my attitude had lost it's sunny side in an attempt to empathize with the grey skies. I was complaining and cursing Jeff for not letting me eat first (have I mentioned I can be a little gruff when my blood-sugar is low?) but he kept urging me on, saying it was only a little further and oh-by-the-way, had I noticed he was water-logged right along with me? 
YAY! The walk is over!!!
  I noticed a penny in the road. Penny was my grandma's nickname and the day after she died I found about 20 pennies in random places. So when I find a penny, it's Grandma letting me know she's watching. I picked up the penny and said, "I know, Grandma. I'm trying." Then Jeff pointed out another penny a few feet ahead of us. I picked it up and said, "OK, Grandma! You don't have to shout! I'm walking aren't I?" At that exact moment, my phone let out a loud cheer! Jeff and I have the Nike running app on our phones. When you use it to post on Facebook that you are out trying to get healthy, people can like the post and cheer you on. I'm not sure who it was that sent that cheer, but I think my Grandma had something to do with it. Jeff burst out laughing and I resolved to just get that walk over with. 

Grandma telling me to hush up and keep moving!

 By the time we made it home I had developed an exciting new situation-Rain Burn. Like sunburn, Rain Burn turns your skin bright red and heats up your epidermis causing a person to seriously consider nudism as a way of life. Putting a dry pair of pants on at that moment had all the appeal of skunk-fur lingerie. Sexy!!! Peeling my sopping wet yoga pants from my body, the tops of my thighs screamed out for mercy and aloe vera. I would not have been surprised had the redness been on the inside of my thighs, as they have developed an uncomfortable closeness once again. Nothing says "you've let yourself go" like thigh-chaffing. But no, that area was right as rain (see what I did there?). It was the front of the thigh meat that had suffered the pelting of raindrops and chilling winds on this drizzly morning. I'm going to have to do some research on how to prevent Rain Burn in the future. Lord knows that the rainy season isn't ending anytime soon.

Come summertime, this will be the new look!

  I decided we couldn't go into a restaurant with squishy sneakers and dripping wet hoodies, so we walked right past The Garage and continued on home, woke up the slumbering teenager, showered and drove to a new breakfast place, The Oak Table. ErMahGerd!!!!!! Everything there is incredible! And expensive. And carb-intensive. We were starving and feeling a little entitled, having completed our 4 miles carrying about 20 extra pounds of water-weight in our ensembles. So we each ordered a meal and then I decided we HAD to order this giant Apple Pancake thing for us to share. Oh So Good! We each only had a couple of bites of it and brought the rest home, but it is so melt-in-your-mouth magnificent! (Side-note: Katie and her friend polished off the Apple Pancake the next morning. Thanks teenagers, for throwing your speedy metabolisms on our Grenade of AWOL Resolve!)
  But then the kitchen messed up on Jeff's breakfast and it took a lot longer to come out than the rest of our food, so to apologize, they sent us MORE FOOD! Yep, a sweet, tempting blintz with strawberries and cream. Because obviously what a bunch of chubby bunnies like us would want is more food. It was very kind of them, but I would have been just as happy had they given us free coffee instead. 
The Apple Pancake-it's like Kryptonite for your diet!
 Before you get all "Hey guys, you've barely started and you're all up in the Cheaty-McCheats", remember we have built this into our healthy eating plan. One area where we messed up before was that we would have a meal off the diet plan and then feel really bad about it. Listen, we LOVE good food. Who doesn't? And I think it's important to let loose a little now and again without having to beat ourselves up for not being the perfect little dieter. So we get an indulgence meal on the weekends-right AFTER the weekly weigh-in. And then we are right back to staying on track and eating healthy and low-carb.
 I almost forgot to post my numbers for you! Whoops! Ok, so I actually lost 2.6 pounds between Wednesday and Friday bringing me down to 152.8 pounds. A long way to go, but a good start-over! I am logging all my meals and snacks in my LoseIt! app, trying to get those 10,000 steps every day and paying better attention to what I'm eating (most of the time). 
  Our team lost 6.2 pounds in two days and to date, that brings us to 62.8 pounds lost. We're on our way!!!!
  Thanks for reading! If you want to send me a comment, question or you know how to prevent the Angry Red Thighs of Rain Burn, email me at

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