Friday, July 1, 2016

UP, Up and Away!!!

  With summer break in full swing, I've been trying desperately to find ways to get more steps in each day. I can easily get in 5 or 6,000 steps when I'm working just moving around my school. But now that I'm chilling at home, I have to try harder to get my feet moving and my metabolism jump-started. I continue to go for walks with Jeff and shoot hoops with Katie (she is destroying me out there. Maybe it's the shoes. I must need basketball shoes. It couldn't possibly be my lack of skill, short stature or the 30-year age difference!). Maybe we'll try some bike rides in this gorgeous weather, too! 
  I've been doing really well this week meeting my daily mark. But yesterday morning tragedy struck. My trusty step-counting sidekick, Jawbone UP died. She just UP and died!!! It's probably my fault. I was pretty hard on her. The button had fallen off the end, so each time I had to re-sync her to my phone I had to get the button, cram it into the hole it fell out of and jab her with my finger repeatedly to get the lights to flash. Then yesterday, the cap on the little plug/jack thingie wouldn't click into place anymore. She was in bad shape. I charged her for several hours, but in the end, UP could not be revived. She's down for the count. 

My poor defunct UP. Leaving a legacy of locomotion. RIP

 With the loss of my steadfast step-counter my resolve to walk flew right out the window. What's the point of all that stepping when I can't compare it to my friends and family's efforts? How do I get motivated to move if there's no competition involved? How do I track my progress (other than the Axis of Evil that resides on my bathroom floor and reminds me daily that my weight is still too high)? What was our incentive to get healthy before the fitness world was taken over by technology? How did that work? Did prehistoric man count how many steps between trees and etch his daily laps into a stone tablet to hit that 10,000 daily target? Did we have pedometers in the seventies when I was a kid? Or did we work it out with our toy abacus and Little Professor calculators? What fun is fitness without the community of the tech world to give me props and bragging rights? I feel lost in the world, like a Kardashian at a K-Mart.  Thankfully, Jeff's brother has a brand-new never-used Jawbone UP that he is so generously donating to my cause. Thanks Jason! Whew! Jeff is picking it up today so I can get back on track. And, because Jeff is the most supportive and wonderful boyfriend ever, he took off his UP band in solidarity with me so that we will BOTH have to play catch up. And then-WORLD DOMINATION!!!! (Maybe that's too much?)

Strap these to your chest and get moving! It's ON!!!

The next step (once I have the new UP, of course. Does that make me fickle? How soon I move on!) is to find ways to reach the 10,000 mark every day. Being home-bound makes it tough, so I have to get creative! I've got my "Honey-Do" list, but really, how much housework can a "career-gal" like me do and not completely lose my mind? Oh, a good vacuuming/sweeping/mopping/ dusting session can get things moving in the right direction, to be sure. But I can only put on my sexy-French Maid outfit so many times a week before I totally have an identity crisis. Although it certainly doesn't hurt in the "spicing things up with my honey" department. *sly wink*

Only 9 more floors to clean to reach that target!!!

 I thought I'd try walking in place while I get myself ready for the day, but that has it's limitations. I can walk and brush my teeth, comb my hair and apply various creams to my face to stave off the effects of aging (take THAT, Mother Nature!), but marching around in the shower is just plain dangerous! I'm not trying to break a hip during the shampoo, rinse, repeat cycle. And I'm dedicated to working it where I can, but NOBODY can perform leg-lifts while simultaneously executing a close shave on their limbs. I dare you to try. And please, send videos!
 I prefer walking around the house to stationary stepping anyway, but this is just not possible when trying to achieve a beautiful blow-out. Maybe if I hooked up my hairdryer to a 20-foot extension cord I could motate around the house. I'd need to set up a whole lot more mirrors to get my coif just right. They're going to need a special set of warning labels just for my personal beauty routine. "Do not incorporate fitness routines with use of this product" or "Exercise while using this product may be hazardous to your health".

  Every summer I look forward to catching up on my reading. There is nothing more relaxing than lying in the sunshine with a good book and a glass of wine. I can walk and read, but it's not as enjoyable. Writing and walking proves to be an even bigger challenge. I can while away an entire afternoon composing my thoughts into something coherent and marginally entertaining. I have not been able to figure out how to type on my laptop while walking. I could walk in place, I suppose, but I'm not exactly a wiz at typing when I'm sitting down. I can only imagine what my words per minute would look like if I were jogging in place while writing. 5, maybe 6 words? Maybe I could rig up something like those drummers in the marching bands? Can't you just see me marching down the street, laptop strapped to my belly, laughing at my own jokes? It will be the new fitness craze! All the bloggers will be doing it! I need to get this patented right now! 

I am definitely gonna need the cape, too!

 As always, I'm trying out new recipes to punch up our mealtimes and I have to share this quick tip with you because it's just so yummy! Take a couple of cloves of garlic, mince them up and throw them in a pan on medium heat with a little olive oil and a bunch of mushrooms. Cook them up until they are nice and soft. Then add 2 ounces of cream cheese and a splash of a zero-carb dairy product (I've used half-and-half as well as whipping cream-both work well). Heat that up until it's all smooth and creamy. Toss in some fresh or dried herbs if you like. Then smother a steak, pork chop, chicken breast or other slab of meat with it. Zero carb, so tasty! Jeff has the brilliant idea to pour this over my low carb biscuits-maybe add a little sausage, too? Decadent!

Steak with Creamy Mushroom Sauce and Cauliflower Salad. You know you want some! 

  You can find my Pinterest boards for recipes in the "Check This Out" section-Low Carb Sweets and Low-Carb Meal Ideas. Try one of them out and let me know what you think. Comment below or email me at


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