Catching Pokemon in the Park |
Katie and I downloaded the game on Sunday the 10th. I had a lot of fun with it, Katie-not so much. She wasn't getting into playing with dear old Mom. Until she went to her friend's birthday barbecue bash the following Tuesday and played with her friends ALL night. THEN suddenly it was THE thing to do. Here I thought I was the "Super-Cool Mom" with this "Way-Fun and oh-so-popular" app that she hadn't heard of yet. Nope! It wasn't cool until her teenage squad SAID it was cool. I get it. I was 16 once. I have a mom. Hey, she's getting outside, getting some exercise and fresh air, having fun with friends. Mission accomplished! And WE know who showed it to her first. That's right, THIS old gal! I'm sure she'll want to play with me once she's reached a level that's WAY above mine. I can't imagine where she might get that competitive spirit from...
Katie indulging my Pokemon fetish on the ferry. She's a good kid! |
Jeff is an altogether different story. Once again, I thought I was the "Super-Cool Girlfriend" with the game that some of his friends were playing and won't we have fun with this since he likes video games and all that? Nope, once again! He was not so impressed. He didn't even download the game until a few days later. By then I was levelling up and pretty intensely into this game. Jeff is the ever-supportive boyfriend and indulged me while I played the game on our walks. But it just isn't his thing. And probably even LESS fun for him since his nerdy girlfriend is so far ahead of him in the game now. I get to be the dominant one! Take that, Gamer-Guy!
The FuchsAbel Studios team hard at work while I play my silly game. |
So now, guess which one of us is addicted to Pokemon GO? The technology-challenged, book-reading, doesn't-know-how-to-work-the-XBox one of the group. *sigh* I admit I love it and I spend far too much time playing it. It's my guilty pleasure. At least I'm getting those steps in!
If you have no idea what I'm talking about-let me give you a quick run down (in non-tech speak). Pokemon GO is an app you can download on your phone. You walk around in the real world and "catch" Pokemon (little critters with names like Squirtle and Bulbasaur) that appear on your screen. You have to get out of the house and actually walk to find the things you need to play the game. "Poke-stops" are where you find the items needed to play the game. These are real-life landmarks like parks, businesses, churches, landmarks and other random spots. You can find "eggs" that will hatch Pokemon (critters). You have to walk to incubate and hatch your eggs, another fun way to get those steps in! Although the game tracks your distance in kilometers instead of miles, so now I have to do math to figure out how far I need to go. Curse you, Conversions!!!! The eggs hatch in 2 to 10 kilometers, or roughly 1.2 to 6.2 miles, depending on your egg. There are people who drive around and play the game, but I'm no cheater! I need my exercise!
Tracking my exercise while hatching Pokemon. |
I still use the Jawbone UP step-counter. Gotta hit that 10,000 mark every day! I have reached my goal at least 5 days out of every week-YAY me! However, there have been a few EPIC fails and one or two near misses. A couple of weeks ago Jeff and I went to Seattle to do some filming for a documentary FuchsAbel Studios is producing (enter shameless business promo here). We got home pretty late on that Friday night. I knew I was pretty close to my 10,000 step goal when we arrived home. I checked the app on my phone as soon as we crawled into bed and it registered ZERO PERCENT!!! I panicked. Maybe I had broken my brand new UP band? Jeff laughed out loud-"No, dear, it's two minutes after midnight". Oops! It was a new day! I swiped over to "yesterday" and saw my results. 9,931 steps! I missed my goal by 69 steps! (Which, incidentally, Jeff thought was HILARIOUS. 69. So funny!) And it was too late to lap the house and hit the goal. Shoot! So close! That's OK though. On Wednesday I logged 18,949 steps playing Pokemon GO. Sweet redemption!
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Maybe I should consider joining a gym??? |
I'm always experimenting with new recipes and tonight's dinner was AMAZING, if I do say so myself. Baked chicken breasts with pesto, spinach, tomatoes, artichoke hearts and mozzarella. Stuffed bell peppers with ricotta, Parmesan, mozzarella (have I mentioned my unnatural love affair with cheese? I think you're getting the picture), pepperoni and meat sauce. SO good! I have leftovers if anyone wants to come over. I'll even heat it up for you.
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Winner! Winner! Cheese-y Chicken Dinner! |
Katie and I made some truffles this week, too. My sweet tooth has been in an angry rage lately and I needed to get that monster under control! I made the peanut butter cookies and the chocolate-peanut-butter bars, but they weren't quite what I was looking for. Jeff had bought all those sugar-free chocolate chips and I hate to waste money, so I came up with this idea to create a low-carb version of these truffles that Katie makes. The original recipe is simple-crush up a bag of Oreos, mix with cream cheese, roll into balls and dip in melted chocolate. So easy, so good, so high in sugar! For my low-carb recreation I took a low-carb chocolate "cookie" pie crust recipe (almond flour, cocoa powder, sweetener *I use Truvia* and melted butter), threw in some cream cheese and subbed the sugar-free chocolate. BOOM! These are SO GOOD! Jeff loves them-he says that so far they are his favorite of the sweets I've made. Willy Wonka's got NOTHING on me! Maybe he's got room for another Oompa Loompa-I could head up the Wonka factory "low-carb division"! Professional goals!!
Candy-Making with Katie |
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A Glorious Sugar-Free Truffle |
If you would like to try the chicken or the stuffed peppers, you can find the recipes on my pinterest board (link in the Check This Out section "Low Carb Recipe Board"). If you are looking for the truffle recipe, comment below or email me at . I made this one up, so I don't have a link for you. But I'm happy to share the "how-to's".
Also, if you are trying to "Catch 'Em All", comment below what team you play for. Team Valor (Red Team) All the way!!!!!
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