Thursday, January 29, 2015

Here's the Stats

  So here comes the part I don't really want to do-but we're using this blog for accountability (among other things) so that means FULL DISCLOSURE!!!!
*The faint of heart should look away now. I know I want to.
  Angela-currently 5'2" (I haven't started shrinking yet! Whew!) and 144.8 lbs. On Sunday night, I weighed myself (fully clothed, end of the day) and the Axis of Evil that is my digital bathroom scale chimed in with 148.8 lbs. I admit it, I teared up. When Jeff and I started dating in October 2013, I was 133 lbs. Not great, but not too bad. Which means I have gained 15 pounds in 15 months-what a former co-worker of mine dubbed the "Love Pounds". But at this rate, by my 50th birthday (oh yeah, it's out there!) I will weigh 209.8 pounds if I were to keep going at the same rate of expansion. For a shorty like me, that's pushing maximum density-not a pretty sight. And pretty unhealthy. So I am currently at a BMI (body mass index) of 26.5 which puts me in the overweight category. My goal weight is 115 lbs. which will give me a BMI of 21.0 putting me smack dab in the middle of the "normal" category. My family and friends will tell you I've never been "normal" and I would have to agree.
  Jeff-currently 6'0" and weighed in at 297.6 lbs. on Tuesday night. So here's the good news-he thought he was about 310ish and I had estimated 320ish when I got the idea to start this blog and came up with the total goal (I know, that's not very nice. I'm really not good at math!) So his initial goal-get under 300 lbs.-has already been met. First Mission Accomplished! (No, that's not cheating. Keeping it positive. Celebrate every little thing.) Jeff's BMI is 40.4 which unfortunately is in the obese category. Which could start to affect his health, and that worries me. Now his target goal is 220 pounds, which would give him a BMI of 29.8 which is barely inside the top of the "overweight" range. According to the BMI creators, he would be better at 180 lbs. with a BMI of 24.4-just into the top range of normal. So, I originally thought he would need to lose between 100-140 pounds (depending on his goal weight and assuming he was 320), but now that we have the actually starting off point, he needs to lose 77.6 pounds or 117.6 pounds, depending on where he wants to end up.
  Katie-currently 5'3" and a 15 year old girl. She is supportive of this blog and sharing our journey, but is not comfortable sharing her weight with the whole world. Since I have to live with her and she is still in that highly emotional adolescent stage of life, I will respect her wishes. But I hope at some point she will give me the green light to let you know where she is starting from. Her target for her goal weight is 140 pounds, which will give her a BMI of 24.8, just inside the "normal" weight range. She is off to a great start and I am excited to start sharing our successes and setbacks, challenges met and epic failures.
  For those of you interested in what the BMI thing is all about and checking out your own numbers, here's a link to check out:

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