Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blonde Ambition

  In addition to the low-carb diet, we are trying to add some physical activity to our daily (well, not EVERY day) routine. Jeff has a nifty little gadget- the Jawbone UP-that tracks all manner of health related stuff like his sleep patterns and how many steps he takes each day. This was a gift from his boss, who got one for everyone in the office so they can track and encourage each other at Saeblehaus West ( The goal is 10,000 steps each day. Jeff and his brother are notoriously the group's underachievers in this ranking and do take some verbal abuse (support?) because of it.
Yesterday morning, Jeff turns to me as I am waking up and mentions that our friend Tom wants him to come check out the location he is moving his business too in Silverdale around noon. "So, you wanna walk to Silverdale?" he says with an impish grin. I am still in that glorious early-morning fog and did not register the heavy dose of sarcasm, so in my efforts to not be outdone, I respond, "Sure. How far do you think that is and what time do we need to leave to get there by noon?" Although Jeff was taken aback by my positive response, he didn't shy away from the challenge. We decided to walk to a nearby restaurant for breakfast (omelets loaded with meats and veggies-no toast or potatoes) and then walk the rest of the way to meet Tom. *Tom is the owner of Tommy C's who has been forced to relocate due to the owner of the building he currently rents from allowed the building to go into foreclosure. To read about his story, and help his transition to the new place, check out:
 OK, so now we're both committed, and both stubborn individuals who refuse to back down from a challenge. So we set off on that chilly but beautiful morning. The first  leg was easy-downhill three-quarters of a mile to a restaurant and bar called the Garage for our low-carb breakfast. Yum! Then it was hitting the road again. A fairly flat walk through a part of town that we had both spent time in during our youth. Of course, our friend had re-scheduled to meet us at 2:00 instead during this walk. We arrived in Silverdale right at noon, so we ran a few errands (ok, we walked them) and then I had my mom pick me up and take me home because I couldn't feel my feet anymore. Ok, not quite.
  So, the stats of this particular adventure are as follows, according to the UP and Jeff's Nike app on his cell phone: 6.37 MILES walked, 2 hours 6 minutes total time walking (we paused the app during breakfast) and over 13,000 steps (the goal is 10,000 steps daily. Crushed it!!!)

  This was a particularly ambitious undertaking for a girl who leads a pretty sedentary lifestyle. This morning my leg muscles are forming a revolt-I am having to bargain with them to allow me to get out of bed and get on with the day. Obviously, this will not be a typical day for us. We are planning to create a few walking routes between 3 and 4 miles each to do at least every other day.
  Today is Super Bowl Sunday! We are bringing low-carb food to the party Jeff's dad hosts every year. Gumbo (well, more of a soup, but really good!), clam dip and pork rinds, and some Atkins "treats" to help us resist the sweets. Gonna be a great day. GO HAWKS!!!


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