Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 1 Complete

  Some of you may be wondering why most of the focus has been on Jeff and I. Where's Katie? What's she doing? HOW is she doing? First let me say how very proud I am of her initiating this whole "get healthy" program for the three of us. She is an amazing girl-smart, cute, funny and talented. Being a teenager and trying to get healthy is no easy feat. Junk food is everywhere. At her play rehearsals, at Rainbow functions (Rainbow is the youth group she's involved in. We'll talk more about that later, I'm sure), at school, at friend's houses. It's hard to say no and stick to your healthy eating plan. Also, Katie goes to her dad's house every other weekend from Thursday evening to Monday morning. They are supportive of her plan, but it's a challenge to shift from one home to the other and stay consistent.
  All that being said, Katie has lost 24 pounds. Yep, you read that right. I'm still not allowed to post her weight. And yes, she is eating. I've watched her do it. PROMISE! She weighed herself at school last Monday and here at home today and that is the difference in the two numbers. WOW! She is loving the low-carb plan and is excited about her progress. And I will take her to the doctor the minute I suspect anything unhealthy is going on. Her health is of the utmost importance.
  Jeff is a madman in the step-counting department. Saturday we walked those 6 1/3 miles totaling over 13,000 steps. Spurred on by smashing the 10,000 step goal, he decided to walk to his dad's house for the Superbowl party yesterday. He walked over 10 miles, totaling over 20,000 steps. No, I'm not making it up. I did not accompany him on this epic journey because I work at my church Sunday mornings. Also, I just don't think I could make it that far. Jeff has lost 6 pounds this week-off to an amazing start. Even faced with temptations like a work lunch where everyone is chowing down burgers and fries (he had a Cobb salad) or Superbowl party with all kinds of goodies (we brought our own low-carb options), he stuck with the food plan and added in all that exercise. I am so proud of him!
  Now, my own progress has been considerably less impressive. I have stuck with the eating plan and worked in the walking. I quit drinking coffee when I discovered the plan says "no caffeine". Jeff and I did cheat a little. On Saturday evening, we ate corn with dinner, a high-carb no-no. We also had low-carb ice cream Saturday and Sunday, both nights a too-large portion. I thought we would be ok because of the added exercise. Jeff seems to be able to get away with that. I cannot. I started the program at 148.8. I quickly dropped to 144.8. But upon surrendering to the Axis of Evil this morning, I discovered I had gained back 2 pounds. I am currently 146.6. Cheaters never win, it seems. So, it's still a 2 pound loss for the week, and I'm trying to focus on the positive. And I am so super-proud of my family for their amazing accomplishments this week.   
  We're off to a great start-some more than others. Time to reset for me, get back on track, get real with myself about what I need to do. And keep on keeping on.

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