Monday, March 23, 2015

End of Week 8

  The end of week 8 already. I won't keep you in suspense-here's the stats:
  Katie lost 1.8 pounds this week. She still won't let me post her actual weight (I have no idea where she gets this bizarre vanity from!). I want you all to know that she has reached a very important milestone. But I can't say what. TEENAGERS! Her total weight loss for these 8 weeks is 45.8 pounds! She's a rock star!
Katie-My little Rock Star!

  Jeff lost another 1.4 pounds bringing his total weight loss to 15 pounds-almost 2 pounds per week! His current weight is 282 pounds. He was really hoping to see 279 this week, and he was on the right track, but then we cheated and well...
  Now it's confession time for me. I was doing really well this week. Like REALLY well. I started out the week at 137.8 pounds. I weigh myself every day. Like a madwoman. By Saturday, I had dropped down to 135.4. My BMI was 24.8-normal range! I was beyond excited and proud of me. Yay me! And then Jeff and I ate a pizza and peanut butter pie (Just ONE slice of pie! Each.) I wasn't able to get my 10,000 steps in for the first time yesterday. It was a busy day-jumping from one thing to the next and an emergency with my oldest child that lasted past midnight. One thing right after the other and no time for exercise. 
Yep, this about sums up the last 2 days of the week for me.

  So my pitiful weight loss ends up being .2 pounds this week. That's it.That's all she wrote. I went from 135.4 pounds on Saturday morning to 137.6 Monday morning. My BMI is 25.2 now. I'm officially fat again. 
So close! I was "normal" for a couple of days.

  I know, I know. I brought this failure on myself. Temptation creeps in and I make mistakes. I'm human. And I love food. Yesterday we hosted a birthday party at our house for Jeff's nephew. I resisted the cake, the chips, potato salad, hamburger buns. I ate steak, salad and low-carb ice cream. Some days are easier than others. Some foods are easy to say no to, other times I throw myself at those carbs with reckless abandon. And I did, and now I am shamed. Ok, enough of the pity party. I'm done with that. Time to pick myself up, dust off the pie crumbs and start a new week. 
Ummmmm-you've got a little something right there...

  Our team total weight loss for the week is 3.4 pounds and total over the 8 weeks is 71.4 pounds! That's pretty amazing! Gotta cling to the positive. We're doing good, and we can only get better at this!
I fall down and I pick myself up again!

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