Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunrise Perils and Risky Pizza

  There are two kinds of people in this world-morning people, and people who wish mornings started around 10-ish. And both of those people sleep in my bed. I am a sunset kind-of girl. I come alive every night around 9:30 or 10:00, about the same time Jeff is nodding off to one of his many DVR'd TV shows. He is a sunrise (or much, much earlier) fella. He doesn't even use an alarm to get up in the morning. Ever. I think he might be at least partially a robot with a built in alarm system. I have no hard evidence to support this theory, but when I find his control panel-look out! I'll figure out how to re-program him and turn him to the dark side (night-time!). I'll build me a remote control and we're gonna have us a dancing man!!!!!
Early prototype of the "Happy Morning Jeff Robot"

So yesterday Jeff is wide awake before sunrise and decides it's time for us to get up and go for our walk. He was nice enough about waking me (I think he fears my morning persona. She can be slightly grouchy. Like a starving tiger who just lost a meal to a giraffe. "For REAL? How did that HAPPEN?").
I can't understand why Jeff wouldn't want to wake me up.

    So he wakes me up about 7:00. On a Saturday. And he is all gung-ho to get out and start our walk. I finally rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. I was gone for a minute and he made the bed before I got back. It would have been less subtle if he had brought in a bugle and was blowing reveille. I will say this-I have a fearless man. 
  I decided to let him live, get dressed and head out on the walk. It took about half a mile of walking to fully wake up. But once I had my blood flowing, I actually felt pretty good. We walked almost 6 miles yesterday morning and stopped at the Garage for breakfast. By the time we got home, I was wide awake and in a pretty good mood. So thank you, Jeff, for being brave enough to get me out of bed and moving. 
  The rest of the day was busy for us both. Jeff had homework and I had some friends over. Katie went to a friend's house to spend the night. I had a couple of glasses of wine-which was not the best idea for me. By 6:00, my early morning breakfast was long digested and wine on an empty stomach is no good. I'm a light-weight when it comes to alcohol anyway. You just don't want to let that genie out of the bottle. You never know what she might do once she has that freedom! So when Jeff was finally done with homework time, around 7:30, I was a little tipsy. And hungry. Jeff was in the mood for pizza, which sounded SO GOOD! I've been really good on the diet and exercise, I've lost weight. How much damage can ONE pizza do? So we went to Spiro's and ate a whole pizza between the two of us and finished it off with a slice of peanut butter pie. Each. EPIC FAIL! At least we did it together. We motivate each other, walk, cook healthy meals and CHEAT-all together. 
My weakness. Cheesy, hot pepperoni goodness.

  So this week my weight has gone from 137.8 pounds on Monday, dropped to 135.4 by Friday and jumped up to 137 pounds this morning. It's amazing how much of a setback one late-night pizza and pie feast can cause. I'm not normal anymore. 
  I've still got one more day before our weekly weigh-in. Hopefully I will still show a loss for the week and undo the damage from one indulgent meal. If not, I have only myself to blame. And Jeff. 

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