Sunday, March 29, 2015

She's Back!

   I bet you're wondering where I've been! Sorry it's been so long-this has been one of those crazy-busy weeks where I feel like I don't know what the inside of my own home looks like. Lucky for me, I live with two incredibly supportive and forgiving people. No matter where life is taking me, they are always warm and welcoming when I get home. 
Group Hug!!!

Life has NOT been taking me on many walks this week. I missed my 10,000 step goal by nearly 7,000 steps on Friday. One thing and another, busy day with life throwing up roadblocks and me not getting out to walk. I didn't even do the "cheating" bicycle move. Just failed. I only logged one Nike "run" (I run a 17-minute mile these days) on Tuesday. Jeff and I did go for a nice long walk after a movie on Thursday night, but we forgot to log in on the Nike app. I am never going to get those new shoes at this rate! I've logged 171.9 miles so far. That's still a long way from the 300 I need for my shopping spree. Gonna have to work harder to get back on track this week. 
No shoe sale for me! Gotta start logging those miles!

  The Axis of Evil 2.0 has been in rare form this week. I started the week off at 137.6 pounds. By Thursday, I had GAINED a full pound due to various factors including, but not limited to: a late-evening dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup that was thrust upon me at Katie's youth group meeting (I hadn't eaten all day. I was starving. It's all there was. Give me a break-I'm weak!) and that most unwelcome visit from my evil twin (once a month. Can she please go away and stop coming back?) and the water retention that accompanies her visit. 
  On Friday, the A-of-E refused to tell me my weight. No joke-I stepped on that wretched thing THREE TIMES and each time I got an "error" message. If THAT doesn't send a dieter into extreme anxiety, I don't know what will. How insane is that? I didn't know how to even begin an argument with the accursed thing, but I chose to be the bigger person (maybe I really WAS a bigger person?) and walk away. Thankfully this morning I weighed in at 135.0, so I guess whatever the issue was has worked itself out. Good thing for that stupid scale. It was this close to finding itself in the back of a garbage truck!
Not enough exercise and too many carbs-DUH!

  It's been 26 days since I measured myself with the Tape Measure of Extreme Judgement, so I thought I'd dust it off this afternoon and see what horrors it might reveal. Jeff had commented that I look smaller and that I've gotten so tiny (because he is a sweet and very intelligent man). It seemed like a good idea to find out if there was any hard evidence to support this theory. And there IS! Since February 20th I have lost 3/4 of an inch from my bust, 2 1/2 inches from my waist, 1 1/2 inches from my hips and 1 inch from my thigh (probably from each thigh, but I only measured the one thigh. I like to think I'm pretty symmetrical). So my current measurements are 36 1/4, 32 3/4, 38 1/4 and 21 1/2 inches.
Oh Tape Measure-I love you most of all!
  Of course I like to measure my "natural" waist, too. You know the spot on your body where it indents and makes the hourglass shape? I guess the "real" waist is around where your belly button is. But that's a lot bigger. So my "natural" waist is 28 1/4 inches-1 3/4 inches smaller than it was! Yay me! I shall have to re-name my tape measure. Maybe I will call it the Tape Measure of Joy!

  Tomorrow is the weekly weigh-in. I know that Jeff has been losing weight all week, Katie is still a teenager with the Incredible Super-Zoomy Metabolism and I'm back on track. Should be a good post tomorrow! Keep your fingers crossed for us, ok?
Seriously-I was this close on Friday!

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