Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 9 Weigh-In

  It's the end of week 9 and the end of March. We have struggled a little this past month with staying on track with diet and exercise, but we're finishing out March and heading into spring with positive results and a renewed dedication to getting healthy!
  Katie, our ever-consistent pack leader has lost another 2 pounds this week bringing her total weight loss for 9 weeks to 47.8 pounds! Her secret? YOUTH! She occassionally falls off the low-carb band-wagon, but she always hops right back on. She doesn't beat herself up over a dietary slip-up. Katie also keeps pretty active. She routinely logs an average of 6,000 steps just by traversing the halls of Bremerton High, getting to classes and hanging out with friends after school. She is in desperate need of a new wardrobe-all of her clothes are just hanging off of her. I guess we're going to need to get to the mall soon. I can't wait to see how many sizes she's dropped!
Katie's personal Xanadu

Jeff has dropped another 1.8 pounds this week bringing his weight down to 280.2! He was a little disappointed-he really wanted to get under 280 before weigh-in. Here we are again at that "moving the tens-place digit down" point. It's amazing how that particular number can make you so proud, even though it may mean you've only lost a fraction of a pound. Jeff has lost a total of 16.8 pounds! Part of his weight loss is due to the fact that when he has to be trapped at his computer for hours for work or school he now gets up every so often and walks in place to get his steps in. Just that little extra step is boosting his progress and will be beneficial to his blood-flow. 
Gotta keep these little suckers on the move!

  I have also lost 1.8 pounds this week. See, I told you Jeff and I do everything together! My total weight loss so far is 13 pounds, which leaves me in third place, but I'll take it! My current weight is 135.8 with a BMI of 24.8. I'm normal again!!! I'm really hoping I can stay normal now-continue to lose weight instead of regaining and keep my BMI in the normal range. I've got to keep more consistent with my walking. I started off the Lenten season really strong-logging an average of 16,000+ steps a day. But in the last week or two, I started slacking off, getting the bare minimum of 10,000 and a few times not even that. I had dropped from #1 or #2 down to #7 on my UP team. #7 ?!?!?!?!?!? That will never do! Last night I kicked it back up and logged 17,045 steps and brought myself back up to #3 (Jeff is #4) and I'm determined to take the top spot before Lent ends on Easter Sunday. MAYBE I can allow myself to bite the ears off a chocolate bunny if I keep to the plan all week. JUST the ears though. I don't want to go all crazy-I've got to stay "normal", right?
These are my favorite! I'm coming for those ears!!!!

 My Jawbone UP has been pretty abusive lately, and I don't blame her. Admittedly, I've been slacking off a little. But she's been pretty harsh about it. "Hey, lazy gal! Are you gonna get off your ass today and walk-maybe to the kitchen to stuff your face with high-carb treats? You started off in the top 10% of walkers in our community, but now you're scraping along the bottom of the barrel. Wow-did you just take 100 steps? Cool, now maybe do that 100 more times. And keep going. Did I just hear the Jell-O commercial from the 1980's? I think I did." Ok, MAYBE the messages aren't quite like that, but pretty close. 
 Jeff received his super-cool new shoes-Nike Air Max 2015iD (customized with NIKE ID) in the mail the other day. Jeff almost exclusively shops online. For Katie, the mall is nirvana, for Jeff it's more of a nightmare. He's logged 1,093 miles on his old shoes (Jeff started with the Nike app long before we started dating), so it was past time for him to update. His old shoes say "Team FBOMB" across the tongues, but he updated the slogan on the new shoes:

"225 Together"-wonder how he came up with that?
  Pretty snazzy, huh? Now he just needs to break them in! 

  So our team weight loss this week is 5.6 pounds and our weight loss to date is 77 pounds even! WOW! We've lost 34% of our 225 pound goal. One third of the way there! 
Latest message from my Jawbone UP


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