Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Slow-Going but Ever-Forward!

  We are now into our 6th week of this eating/exercise/lifestyle rehab plan. The time is going very quickly, but for me the changes are moving as slow as molasses running uphill in January. Time to re-evaluate our expectations and maybe make some revisions to our strategy. 

This little fella will find his way down before I reach my goal weight. *sigh*

  My short-term goals may have been a bit unrealistic. I had hoped that by Valentine's Day I would be down to 140 pounds (still not there) and by Easter I would have reached 130. I don't see that happening at the rate I'm going. Jeff had mentioned that he wanted to be down 60 pounds by the time he heads to the Oregon Dunes for his annual testosterone-fueled quad-riding expedition through sand and thicket, attempting to break through the speed of light and yet still keep all of his bones in tact and inside his body. This excursion takes place at the end of July, in about 15 weeks. Katie is less than 5 pounds from her first short-term goal and at the rate she's going, she will meet that by the end of next week. Easy-Peasy, No Mac-N-Cheesy.
  In 5 weeks, I have dropped 7.8 pounds, an average of about 1 1/2 pounds per week. At that rate, it will take me 17 more weeks to reach my goal weight. So roughly, the end of swimsuit and shorts season up here in the great pacific northwest. Perfect. *insert sarcasm here* 

This will be me, just in time for Thanksgiving. 

  Jeff has lost 10.4 pounds since we began our campaign for health and wellness. So just a hair more than 2 pounds per week. If he continues at the same pace, he will easily drop another 30 pounds by his summer odyssey of velocity. That will be more than half the weight-loss of his original goal. But 40 pounds down by the end of July? I'll have to go with him this year to make sure Miss Oregon Sand Dunes 2015 in her hot-girl riding gear doesn't try to steal him away from me. (Jealous much? Me? Duh-yeah!) 

He'll be catching some air and accelerating to new heights after dropping so much weight!

  I did some measurements on my body parts two weeks ago (nearly lost the measuring tape in the folds) and again today. So far, I've lost 1/4 inch around my waist and hips, about 1/8 inch around my thighs, and my bust line is holding strong at the same 37 inches. I wouldn't say this makes me ecstatic, but I'm happy to see a little improvement, because the Axis of Evil is just harassing me. No More Bullies!!!!
  If we want to amp this thing up (bikini ready by Fourth of July instead of Labor Day? Yeah, I think so), we are going to have to formulate a new plan of attack on fat! Maybe we are going to have to get jogging instead of walking (ugh!) or give that Paleo diet a try.
 Rally the troops-I want to wear short-shorts while the temperature is still above 60 degrees!
I need some hard-hitting, fat-fighting units in my corner! 



  1. Amy at work got 5K steps watching a movie last night walking in place. I guess we can get rid of our furniture... ;P

  2. I'm not ready to take that step just yet. Maybe in the summertime when it's too hot to walk outside? :)
