Thursday, March 5, 2015

Walking With Tacos

  It's 16 days into the season of Lent-almost halfway through! Jeff and I have been getting in our 10,000 steps every day, sometimes as much as double that, or even more! We are working the low-carb diet and resolved to getting healthier. Letting go of unhealthy lifestyles for the Lord! Well, I'm doing it for the Almighty. Jeff gets the steps in because he was challenged. He'll do just about anything on a dare. Maybe I shouldn't tell you that. Or maybe I should. Could be a lot of fun to see what you guys can get him to do. Don't break him, though. I really like having him around. 

Jeff's Winter Challenge-jumping into a lake in freezing cold, rainy, Washington winter!

  I also made a promise to God to quit smoking for Lent. I'm not doing as well with that vow. I smoked three days last week during a particularly stressful time involving my first-born daughter, Chelsea. And I had a couple of cigarettes last Saturday night when we were out with some friends for Tommy C's last night in the original location. I think I mentioned before that I am a social smoker and a stress smoker. I have a hard time saying no. I really miss it, even though I know how gross, smelly and unhealthy it is. I almost bought a pack yesterday. But I didn't. I have a weird personal rule that I will only pay cash for cigarettes, and I didn't have enough cash on me. I know, I'm pretty pathetic. So I owe God an extra 4 days of non-smoking at the end of Lent. I need to be stronger when it comes to quitting. I do bad things like rationalize that I'm doing all these other good things, so it's ok to let the smoking thing go. Sheesh! That sounds like a line out of one of those old "After-School Specials" from the '70s. I can do better than that!
If you've never seen one, you are missing out!

  Last night, Jeff and I went for our evening walk as usual. We invited Katie to come with us (play rehearsal got out early), but she didn't want to come. Jeff and I had decided to check out this little taqueria near our place for dinner after our walk. As we got near our destination, I called Katie to come join us. It was only about a 1/2 mile walk from our house. The three of us enjoyed our dinner-well, Katie and I did. Jeff was not too happy with his. The burrito and chimichanga he ordered were full of beans and rice. He wasn't expecting the carb-fest wrapped in a tortilla. Also, the food wasn't spicy enough for him. We have to get in the habit of asking how restaurant food is prepared and what's in it so we don't have these surprises. We just can't assume that we know what something is in a new place. My taco salad was lovely. I am not a huge fan of hot and spicy food. We started walking toward home, but Jeff and I had decided to keep walking a little more. Katie was a little annoyed that we tried to trick her into walking, so she left us and went home. I know, we are so devious!

This is from our walk around Kitsap Lake. Why WOULDN'T you join us? 

  It's probably a good thing Katie didn't join us. Lately, Jeff and I have had a lot of those oddball conversations. Our relationship is definitely into a whole new level. I never thought we would talk so much about poop. That's usually reserved for new parents, discussing their baby's health or who's turn it is to change the diaper or how to potty train the kid. Not us! We tell each other about how long it's been since our last bowel movement or how much weight we dropped after having the last one. Last night I mentioned that I think we need to get more fiber because the wraps we bought (which are super high in fiber) seem to help with waste expulsion. So romantic! 
  As strange as it may seem, I wouldn't change a thing. Our walks and talks bring us closer together. And we draw the line at leaving the bathroom door open! We don't have to share EVERYTHING!

Two romantic fools out for an evening stroll.


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