Friday, March 20, 2015

Wet and Wonderful

    Today was a wet and wonderful Washington day. Usually on Fridays Jeff and I walk in the morning after I take Katie to school. Jeff does double duty on Fridays, ending his work week with a double-dose of fielding phone calls from work while doing his homework for his Bachelor's program for computer animation. So we take a morning walk and stop somewhere for breakfast. It's a lovely ritual that I hope we can continue for a long time. 
When we're old and grey we'll still be taking long, wet walks together.

  But this particular Friday morning I had to work for a couple of hours and had some errands to run, so we didn't get to walking until lunchtime. It had started to sprinkle as I was driving home and by the time Jeff and I were "suited up" and ready to walk, it was pouring rain. If you're not from the Great Northwest and you've heard rumors about how much rainfall we get-TRUST! You just can't wait for a dry day to plan any events or outings-you just gotta figure it's GOING to rain at some point during the day. But don't bother with an umbrella. That's how we pick out the tourists. 
  We decided to have lunch first and then go for our walk, so we headed to Trapper's Sushi. I know-it's full of carb-laden rice. But it's so good! I love me some sushi! And it's a pretty healthy meal (fish, veggies) so I'm not going to feel guilty about it. So there.
Trapper's Sushi Rock n Roll. Join us next time, won't you?

  Anyway, the rain did not let up after lunch. Well, it did-just long enough to tease us. As we left Trapper's, Jeff said something about how lucky we were that the rain had stopped (actually, he sang it. He does that a lot. So cute!) And as we started to walk through the parking lot-guess what? Yep-pouring rain. JINX!!!!!!!!
  I had only about 2,000 steps for the day at that point. And Jeff had a mere 300+. That is seriously impressive! I don't know how you make it to noon with less than 1,000. I can't sit still that long. Obviously we needed to get moving and make this walk happen! Precipitation be damned! Walk on!

  We headed to nearby Lion's Park and rounded the track five times. We shared the park with ducks, seagulls, crows and the effervescent scent of low-tide. There is something about low-tide that can take some of the charm out of a waterfront park in a hurry. I don't see anybody infusing laundry softener or fragrant candles with that essence any time soon. "New Downy in Low-Tide scent". Nope. Not even on sale with a coupon. Add to that a field completely covered in duck turds, which incidentally I did not fully discover until I ran through it trying to flush out the fowl to get the awesome pics you see below. Nasty! But totally worth it. Can I get those new shoes NOW?

  To be fair, I took the first pic, Jeff took the other three and I did the editing. TEAMWORK!!! And now you out-of-towners get to see what Bremerton looks like. Grey and fowl (see what I did there?). JOKING! I love my hometown-it's beautiful and green. One of these days I'll throw in some pics of Mount Rainier, when it's out. 
  An update from yesterday-Jeff has decided he does like the peanut butter cookies. It just took about a half-dozen to get used to the artificial sweetener taste, he says. Which is weird, because he only drinks diet soda, so you'd think he wouldn't notice. Shows you what I know. Also, here is a pic of the Loaded Baked Cauliflower Casserole I made for dinner last night. It turned out SO GOOD! Even Katie like it (although she did pick out the mushrooms). Note to self (and you guys)-cook mushrooms first before baking into the casserole. They made it a little watery on the bottom. Gotta sweat the moisture out of the little fungi before they go into the dish.

  If you have a favorite recipe that is low carb, send me the link in the comments. Or follow me on Pinterest and we can swap all kinds of cool stuff on there.

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