Monday, March 9, 2015

Wrapping Up Week 6

  I'm just gonna get right to the stats for this week's weigh-in:
  Angela-I lost 1.6 pounds this week bringing me to 139.4 pounds! Woop Woop! I'm under the 140 mark! I've lost a total of 9.4 pounds to date. Yay me! Where's that war-tuba line? And why is it so satisfying to see the number in the tens position go down? It feels as good as birthdays that end in zero feel bad. If I can keep up the one and a half pound weight loss per week, it will be 6 2/3 weeks before I will see the 129 mark. I better revel in this awesome feeling while I've got it! Anyway-my BMI is 25.5, which means when I lose 3.4 more pounds my BMI will be 24.9. NORMAL RANGE! If I can keep up the pace, I'll be normal by Easter! Just in time to chomp the ears off a chocolate rabbit. Yum!

I shall NOT let them be my downfall! 

  Jeff is the biggest loser this week (you know that's a good thing, right?) with a 3.2 pound loss! His current weight is 283.4 and weight loss to date is 13.6 pounds! Super Star! He has been working really hard to keep moving during the day, even when he is sitting at his desk at work or his computer doing homework. He is also much better at sticking to the diet than Katie or I am. Although we did have sushi, cocktails and dessert on Friday night, and the Great Burrito Fiasco earlier this week. He is definitely much stronger-willed when it comes to food temptations. 
One giant burrito isn't enough to take down Jeff!

  Katie had her first gain since we started this program: a slight gain of .4 pounds this week. Not bad. She has still lost a total of 40 pounds-way more than me and Jeff combined! She wrapped up the final show of Bye-Bye Birdie yesterday and she was amazing! The cast and crew had a party after the performance yesterday, and Katie fell victim to the enticement of a potluck buffet of all manner of tasty treats. It happens. She was so elated, as well as a little sad, after the show closed. All those emotions and the appeal of delicacies such as a s'mores dip with graham crackers led to her demise. But, it's just one day. She's right back on top of things today. The hurdle she has to face now is finding new ways to get her physical activity up. With no more play rehearsals, no physical fitness class and no swim team, Katie has to find activities that will inspire her to exercise every day. Or at least several times a week. I'll keep inviting her to accompany Jeff and I on our walks. And she likes to go to one-dollar-skate-night on Wednesdays. She also has a membership at the YMCA, so she can work out or swim there in her spare time. We'll figure it out together. 
Katie was so wonderful in Bye Bye Birdie!

  So our team weight loss this week is 4.4 pounds and total weight loss so far is 62.4 pounds! Not too shabby. This week we'll be looking into new ways to restructure this eating and exercise plan. We're doing really well, but I worry about plateauing and getting frustrated. Gotta be proactive and prevent that from happening!
  Also, a quick shout-out to a few individuals who have had some awesome advice and influence. My cousin Paige Lepinski for the roasted veggies recipe. We all love our veggies cooked this way and eat them often. Jerry (Chris) Noe-the healthiest guy I know and full of good advice! Jesse Coleman for the tips and tricks you learned during your military life experience. Nick Sabelhaus for the 10,000-step Lent challenge and all the encouragement. And to everyone who follows, subscribes, likes and comments on this blog. You are all inspiring us to keep at it and get healthy. I truly appreciate all the positive feedback and it makes me so happy to know you enjoy my writing. It means the world to me! 
Easter is coming! Better prepare!


  1. Cadbury's. .. BWA HAHA HAHAHA!!!!!


    Did you get any of these yet, and did they help?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
