Sunday, March 8, 2015

Geek Is The New Sexy

  Through this exploration of health and wellness, I have discovered my inner geek. I have never been much for technology-I'm an old-fashioned kind of girl (read-I am not very bright when it comes to items with buttons and screens). But I have to say-I have developed a poetic bond with my Jawbone UP and my Nike app. I check them several times a day, I show them off to everyone from friends and family to coworkers and church clan. I use the Lose It! app to record all of my meals and track my calories, carbs and weight loss (or gain). 

I'm a long way from "geek" status, but I'm on my way!

  One of my favorite things is the inspirational quotes and health-related information my J.U. sends me every day. Did you know that the surgeon general recommends 150 minutes per week of exercise? Me either! When I discovered this, I ran to check my stats on my Nike app, because I'm competitive and have a desperate need to be the star of my own show (it runs 24/7 in my head and you're all in it! Strictly as unpaid extras of course. Sorry, we're a low-budget production). Check it out-I average about 75 minutes of walking every day, bringing my weekly average to around 525 minutes per week, 3.5 times the recommendation! Do you hear that sound? It's me, tooting my own horn. Not one of those little party horns. More like a tuba. I need a serious fanfare.

War tubas! I don't think this is too excessive, do you?

  Also, my trusty J.U. has informed me that I need to go shoe shopping more often. She says (yes, it's a she. She is pink, after all) that you need to buy new shoes every 300-500 miles. You can do the "press test" to see if your shoes need replacing by pressing your thumb into the mid-sole. If it's not cushy, it's time to retire them and head to the mall! I have three pair of sneakers I've had for a couple of years. One of them was totally shot and had to go. Now I rotate the other two. My Nike app tells me I have logged 111.1 miles since I started recording my walks on February 12th. Of course, that doesn't include all the miles they already had on them, or the walking I do at work during playground duty or running errands. I'm thinking it's about time to head to the sales and find me some new fancy footwear. It's gonna be hard, but I guess I have to do it for optimal foot health. J.U. wouldn't lie! 
Even Better!!!

And every time my Nike app shows me I've logged another 300 miles, I get to buy a new pair. It's important to have goals-both long and short term, don't you agree? I am really digging tracking my mileage now!
   Another handy bit of info that has passed through is that in a recent study, women who took probiotic supplements lost an average of 9.7 pounds in 12 weeks, while women in the same study who didn't take probiotics lost an average of only 5.7 pounds. So I need to get to the supplement section of Rite-Aid and find me some probiotics. OR, I could go to my fave frozen yogurt shop and get them that way. I'm just thinking outside the box. Aren't all probiotics created equal? Maybe I can go if I eat zero carbs at every other meal? Can I get anybody on this train with me?

Looks like health-food to me. Who's up for a trip to the mall?

  Ok, now that we've got those guys out of the way, let me share with you my very favorite thing about the Jawbone Up. Jeff and I have discovered that we get exercise credit for sex. Yep, not all 10,000 steps come from walking. We wear the J.U. 24/7 because it tracks our sleep as well as our steps. Well, one morning we discovered we had logged several hundred steps without ever setting foot on the floor. So we dubbed this part of our workout routine "sex miles". It's a great way to get your metabolism revved up in the morning, or catch up on those last steps to make your goal after dark. Or whenever, really. I mean, it's the exertion of energy that's important, right? I'm all about doing whatever it takes to get healthy! And to help out Jeff with his physical fitness, of course. Nothing wrong with a little horizontal cardio, right? I'd go into more detail, but then I'd have to apologize to everyone who didn't heed the warning and kept reading anyway.
Maybe that was too much?


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