Monday, April 13, 2015

Getting Back on Track for Week 11

  Here we are at the end of week 11, can you believe it? I know I haven't been posting much the last couple of weeks. Life has had some interesting twists and turns that have taken my attentions elsewhere. But I will try to be a better blogger in the coming weeks. 
  So last week we had our carb-fest that was Easter, which totally wrecked my progress for week 10. This week I have lost 3.2 pounds. Sort of. Okay, here's the scoop. Last Monday I had bloated to 136.4 pounds after our sugar-coated holiday, which was a .6 pound gain from the previous week. However, the day before weekly weigh-in I weighed in at 133.4 pounds. And by Wednesday of last week, my weight had returned to that 133.4 pounds. So, aside from the Easter fiasco, I really have only lost .2 pounds this week. But then again, Monday IS the official weigh in day and it's the only one that REALLY counts. So a 3.2 pound loss it is! Don't judge me.
Good riddance you furry menace!!!

Jeff has dropped another 3.6 pounds this week, bringing his weight to 275.2 pounds. You would think that he would be thrilled with those results, especially considering it's the most drastic weekly drop since our first week on this diet. Sadly, no, he was actually disappointed. Jeff was really shooting to be UNDER 275 pounds this week and he missed the mark by a mere .3 pounds. I could not be more proud of him, but he is beating himself up a little for not exercising more this week and pushing for that last bit. Jeff had a similar Easter weekend experience to mine. He had dropped a couple of pounds and then sabotaged himself with one holiday cheat. So even though he registered a 1.4 pound loss last week, it could have been considerably more. But there's no point beating ourselves up. He'll get under 275 by Wednesday, of that I have no doubt. And his 3.6 pound loss makes him our weight-loss leader on the team this week. He's #1! JEFF WE CAN!!! 
Seriously, no more Easter treats! We're done!!!

  Katie has been on spring break this past week. She had a sleepover almost every night and enjoyed sleeping an average of 11 hours a night (day, really. Like until noon. Seriously). She really let the low-carb lifestyle slip away like the last life raft on the Titanic. We had some healthy meals together, but she had quite a few cheat days. Like all of them. A little cheat here, a little cheat there. So she gained one pound. Just one. So she was a little bit disappointed. But, since we did some shopping for new clothes and she has dropped several sizes, it didn't really bother her too much. Also, my mom took her to the mall to buy her a very special dress. I had bought Katie this super-cute dress for her birthday back in December, but the largest size it came in didn't fit. Katie was devastated-she loved this dress. She found the dress again this week and tried it on-and it fits! So my mom offered to take her back to the mall and buy it for her. Lucky! My mom didn't buy me anything (enter pitiful pouty face here___). Grandkids get all the love!
Obsessed with "selfies"-but how cute is she in that dress???

  So our team weight loss this week is 5.8 pounds and our total weight loss to date is 83.8 pounds! That's right-we have lost a healthy female German Shepherd! 16.2 pounds to go until we hit the first 100 pounds! If each of us loses 2.7 pounds over the next 2 weeks, we'll hit that mark before the end of this month! I think we may have to throw a little party! Maybe on the first of May? May Day! May Day! Goals approaching! Man the periscopes and keep a sharp eye for descending fat ratios!
We've lost enough weight to build one of these!


  1. 274.0 on Tuesday, always the day after I hit a target! I swear I don't get a good poop until after weigh in every week...

  2. I guess we need to pick you up a nice strong laxative for Sundays :)
