Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wardrobe Redux

  Yesterday was a terrific day! I took Katie shopping for some new clothes. All of her jeans are sagging in a most unflattering way and her shirts are so loose she could hide her backpack under them. Katie has lost 48 pounds and 3 jeans sizes! She was so excited to get some new things and to be able to shop in the Juniors department. We didn't stock up a whole new wardrobe, because she is planning on losing more weight and summer will be here soon. But she got 2 new dresses, 2 pairs of jeans, 2 new leggings and 2 shirts. Now she can clean a few things out of her wardrobe and look forward to shopping for summer clothes in a couple of months. For those of you not familiar with our fabulous Pacific Northwest calendar, summer is approximately 8 weeks long through July and August. So we have plenty of time before the warm weather sets in!
This counts as exercise, doesn't it?

  I picked up one new dress for myself yesterday-a size 6. SIX!!! I am officially back into single-digit sizes. Sort-of. Women's clothes are so all over the place that I wear anything from a generously cut 6 to a super-skinny size 10 now. The Easter Carb Infestation has subsided and I weighed in at 133.4 pounds this morning! I am back to the weight I was in October 2013 when Jeff and I started dating! I still have more weight to lose. My original goal was 120, but I think 110 is what I'm shooting for now. At just under 5'2", 110 pounds is a healthy weight. That would put my BMI at 20.1, a healthy BMI is in the range of 18.5-24.9. So we'll see how I look and feel at 120 pounds and then reevaluate. When I did that Model My Diet avatar, I really liked the way it looked at 110 pounds. Anything smaller than that was way too "Heroin Chic 90's Supermodel" for my taste. And I like my curves. So I'm shooting for something between "Skeleton Sexy" and "Busted Can Of Biscuits". 
I don't want to lose my curves-they're the most dangerous thing about me!

  Jeff's pants are starting to hang off of him, too.  We were walking the other day and he had to hold his shorts up with one hand. But he refuses to buy new clothes. He's not a fan of shopping to begin with. He purchases everything online when he can. And he doesn't see the point in buying new clothes when he plans to lose more weight and will just have to go shopping AGAIN. He's on the last notch of his belt, so his plan is to just drill more holes in it. It's gonna look so cute when he has a leather sash hanging from his waist. But it's an economically sound decision. I guess I might have to buy him some new things. I can dress him up like my own personal Ken doll! Will he be Malibu Ken, or maybe a nice leisure suit? I wonder if I can find a tux with a ruffled shirt? Ebay, anyone?
I think we've found Jeff's new look!



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