Thursday, April 2, 2015

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

This has nothing to do with the blog, I just need to try it-HILARIOUS!

 I think I may have entered a new level of absurdity. I am seriously determined to not lose focus and do what has to be done to get this weight off and be healthy. Yesterday I needed about 3,000 more steps to reach my goal of 10,000 by the time I got home. Jeff already had his, but he is a loving and supportive guy and will do most anything I ask. He agreed to accompany me on a walk. We drove to a park after dropping Katie off at her friend's house and we started to walk the track. Then the clouds burst open a torrential downpour on our heads. I was not going to let a little precipitation stop me from reaching my goal, so we kept on. Hey, this is Washington State! If we waited for the rain to stop we'd never do ANYTHING! After a mile and a half (our shortest Nike walk to date) I knew I had my 10,000 so I suggested we call it a night. Of course, Jeff insisted that he would do whatever I wanted and, I believe, called me a chicken for quitting because of a little rain. I tried to keep going around the track (NOBODY calls me a chicken!), but he pushed me toward the car. Hey, I would've kept going! I challenged him to stay until lightening struck, but he was done. Who's chicken, now? 
Getting a little damp won't stop me!!!!

  Our shoes squishing with each step, we ran to the car. We were completely soaked to the bone-dripping all over the inside of Jeff's nice, clean car. When we got home, I checked the Jawbone Up app and saw I only had about 11,000 steps. I reached my goal, but I want to do better. So I did laps around the living room for about 20 minutes or so. I ended the evening with 14,578 steps. Not my biggest day by far, but a good day! Today is going to be tough to get all of my steps in. I have a very busy day ahead-but I'll find a way! I'm still at #5 in our group, so I really need to step it up!
This is how we pick out the tourists. No self-respecting Washingtonian owns one of these!

  In other news, Jeff started taking the ThermoFit that I was telling you about. He has lost 4 pounds in 2 days! Same diet and exercise plan. Amazing! I'm not taking it yet. I'll be the "control group" in our little experiment for a while. But if he keeps dropping weight like that, I'm taking over!!!
It seems to be working for Jeff-stay tuned!

  Katie is on spring break as of today-we have her school conference at 11:40 this morning. Then she gets to chillax until the 13th. LUCKY! She's going to have to find ways to keep active for this week and a half so she doesn't lose the amazing momentum she's had with her weight loss. I think her plan is to spend all her time at the mall. Should be great if she doesn't camp out at Mrs. Field's cookies, right? She wouldn't do that! I might. We definitely need to get some shopping done, because her clothes are falling off of her. 
  Well, that's about it for today. Got a lot to do and need to get to it!

There are days I wish I could dive head-first into this!

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