Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 12 Wrap Up

  The end of Week 12 has brought us a few surprises! I'll get right to the stats:
  I lost 2.2 pounds this week! I've been pretty good on the diet this week. But, I did have a big and tasty burrito on Thursday and fish and chips for dinner on Friday night. But I wasn't able to finish either of those meals. I have not been going for walks. My average steps this week have been 6,138 per day. So lame. And I haven't had the excuse of bad weather-it has been beautiful and sunny most of the week. But YAY ME just the same! My current weight is an even 131 pounds and my BMI is a healthy 24.0! So I have to wonder, is the weight loss due to the muscles I developed while I was being a good little walker turning to flab? Muscle weighs more than fat, you know. (That's science, children). Maybe those weeks that I had a slight weight gain even though I was crushing my walking goals and following the diet to the letter, I had built up some serious muscle that contributed to the Axis of Evil handing out negative reports. Even when I win, I lose! It's time to blow the dust off my walking shoes and turn the flab into FAB!
The one on the left looks just like my booty...

Katie lost an AMAZING 6.4 pounds! WOW! And this was after having cheated throughout the weekend on an excursion with the Rainbow Girls (her youth group) to beautiful Leavenworth, Washington. She did do a lot of walking and swimming while she was there, but ate primarily junk food as far as I know. *sigh* How is a mother supposed to teach her daughter that cheaters never win when she consistently cheats and is dominating this weight-loss adventure? (It's not a competition. IT'S NOT!) She has lost a total of 53.4 pounds so far! I wish I could find that elusive fountain of youth for Jeff and I so we could have results like that kid of mine. She is incredible!
Of course it's closed...

  Jeff did not fair as well this week. He gained .6 pounds on weigh-in day. But he was down 3 pounds on Wednesday. So where did this sudden surge come from? Like me, Jeff has not been doing his walking (I told you, we do everything together. And we also DON'T do everything together). Currently he is #10 on our walking team. I am #5 and Katie is #4. We're both losing to KATIE!!! Jeff also abandoned me this weekend (only for Thursday night) and went on a work retreat. He did get up Friday morning and go for a 5-mile walk. And he resisted the evils of potatoes and beer with dinner. But then he fell victim to caramel macadamia nut clusters (how do you say "no" to those! The answer is, you just don't!). How that can translate to the .6 pound gain, I just can't figure. Sneaky little buggers!
Danger! Danger! Chocolate coated fat missiles!

  As a team we have lost 8.0 pounds this week and 91.8 pounds total! 
  So now we have to revise our plan. Or to be more accurate, we have to get back to walking every day. And Katie can just keep doing whatever she's doing, because it's working for her. I know I need to be getting more exercise to be healthy. And it seems our sunny weather will be gone this week, so I have to double my efforts to make that happen. Jeff and I are such competitive people, we really need someone to throw down a challenge so that we have someone to beat. It's either that, or turn on each other like a couple of hungry lions fighting over the last wildebeast carcass. And that's no good. Because you know that I'll win. So won't some of you help us out? Start a competition with us. It's for our own good. And maybe it will help motivate you, too. Even though you know that I'll win.
Just because I want to keep milking the Fountain of Youth joke.

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