Sunday, April 26, 2015

Droopy Drawers and Child Geniuses

    This week has been another mile-a-minute busy one! I feel like I'm never home anymore. No time for taking those walks, and it shows! My average daily steps this week have been a truly pathetic 6,189. Why can't I get motivated to make those walks a priority? I enjoy them-I love the time with Jeff and I feel so good afterwards. I know how much I need to do this, but I can't seem to get myself out the door. Jeff isn't walking either. I don't know why it's so hard to get started again. It's like flossing. I'm REALLY good about flossing for about a week after I go to the dentist. Next thing you know, it's been 6 months, I'm back at the dentist and I get an "F" for no effort. No flossing has happened, and I get a new roll of floss that will gather dust in the bathroom drawer.

  Since I can't convince anyone to challenge us, I guess I'm going to have to make up a fake challenger for Jeff and I. "Yeah, honey? You know my friend Betty?" (I have no friend named Betty) "Yeah, she thinks we suck. Her and her husband Bob (I DO have a friend named Bob. He's not really married to Betty) said that they're going to walk 4 miles every day. We need to kick their ASSES!" Now I have to figure out how to create these fake people and give them Jawbone and Nike app accounts. That sounds like a lot of work that I am technically not capable of figuring out on my own. Now I have to hire some 9-year-old genius to do it for me, but I'm broke. I could sell a kidney (I have two, after all), but then what do I do when I have issues with the one remaining kidney? This is getting WAY to complicated. I guess I'll just have to make myself (and Jeff) get out there and walk. Tomorrow is Monday-we're starting tomorrow! Again.
Bob and Betty-they're so darn smug!

  Tomorrow is weigh-in day and as of today, I'm not looking so good. No fair peeking-I'll clue you in tomorrow! Have a little patience. It has been almost a month since I last broke out my trusty measuring tape and tested it's limits around various parts of my body. The new results are not a huge improvement, but at least they are moving in the right direction. Mostly.
  I have lost 1/4 inch off of my bust line since March 30th (the last measurement) bringing it to a full inch lost since the beginning. I have mixed emotions about this. I am trying to lose weight and slim down, it's true. However, I really don't want to lose my boobs. I rather like them the way they are, but I don't know how to tell them to stay the same when the rest of my body is on the improvement program. *sigh* 
Don't go try and please me...

  I have lost 1 inch off of my waistline this month-a total of 3 1/2 inches total! Which is pretty great, but according to the Heart Association, a waistline of 31 1/2 inches puts you at risk for chronic disease. My waist measures 31 3/4 inches. SO CLOSE! So after my walk, I need to add a few 100 sit-ups or crunches a day. I've lost 1 1/4 inches off of my hips this month for a total of 2 3/4 inches since I started measuring! Jeff HAS said this last week that my booty is disappearing and he doesn't like that. I don't think it's disappearing-I think he can't see it because all my pants are a lot looser now. It's still there. Just smaller.
Wow! 20 more pounds and I'll TOTALLY be in fashion. Hot.

  There was no change in my thigh measurement. Stupid-huge-solid-peasant-stock-child-bearing thighs. I've lost one inch off of them since the beginning, but obviously, without walking every day (or at all, really) my thighs are turning to mushy flab again. Of course, I also like to measure my waist at my "natural" waistline-where my body indents and makes the hourglass shape. I have lost 1/4 inch off of that area this month and 2 inches to date. THIS waist measurement is 28 inches, which is totally healthy and looks a lot better when I say "My measurements are 36-28-37". Which is totally true! In this (slightly) skewed version. Hey, it's my reality. Join me here, won't you?
Welcome to my own wacky little world!

  See you again tomorrow for the Axis of Evil reports. 

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