Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 16-Banning Holiday Celebrations

  The end of week 16 has come and passed. I had that miraculous moment a few days ago when the scale showed me some love and I weighed in at 128.2 pounds. And then another celebration came along and my willpower wilted like a salad on a hot summer day. My beautiful granddaughter, Annie, turned 3 years old. I hosted her birthday party at my house-a princess tea party complete with tasty tea sandwiches which I made myself (and sampled. You know, for quality control. Can't poison our princesses by mistake with a tainted tea!). Cream cheese and strawberries, chicken salad sandwiches, and of course, Katie's personal diet demon-Nutella with banana slices. And don't forget the cake! A ridiculously huge confection of frosting and fudge that my mom brought over. 
My little princess-one in a minion!
A tea party fit for a princess, but not the waistband of my jeans.

  It all tasted really good, but after eating it, I felt kind-of crappy. Not guilty so much as bloated and all-over BLECH! All that white bread (oh yeah, I went ALL THE WAY bad!) and sugar attacking my fat cells and filling them to overflowing. Was it worth it? If I'm being honest, yes. Kind of. I enjoyed seeing those happy little girls enjoying their ever-so grown-up tea and then racing around the house with fairy wings on their backs. It was such a great day, and my little princess had so much joy in her sweet little face (until it was WAY past her naptime. Then, not so much). But did I HAVE to eat all that junk food? No. I could have just served it, drank my tea and called it good. But where is the fun in that? So I indulged, I sent all the leftover food home in doggie bags with all the guests that I could pawn it off on (or sneak it into their purses or cars when they weren't looking). 
Do you think they'll notice ONE more slice of cake?

  So, once again, I have allowed a celebration to sabotage my good intentions. I am weak and humbled in your presence. And I shall confess my sins and move forward. I am back up into the 130 pound range. Just barely, at 130.4 pounds I have still managed a .8 pound loss for the week. And a total weight loss of 18.4 pounds. My BMI is a normal, healthy 23.8 and I'm declaring a no-more-holiday-or-celebration-food ban until my birthday in 36 days. Anybody want to start a pool to take bets on how long it takes me to break that rule? Memorial Day is coming up. I'm really going to try to make it though. Really!

I'll take Memorial Day BBQ for $50!!!

  Jeff lost another .8 pounds this week. I know he is getting super-frustrated with not putting up bigger numbers, despite having had absolutely nothing to do with our princess party (he's a MAN for heaven's sake!) and having a lot more willpower than these weak-willed women-folk (my words, not his). But almost a full pound is still good. It's still a loss. And it's the same amount that I lost this week (I told you we do everything together). He's looking forward to a Quad-riding trip to the Oregon dunes in a couple of months and I think he just wants to look good in his riding gear. Plus, with fewer pounds on his frame he'll be able to go faster and get some air under those wheels. Boys and their toys! For today, Jeff weighs in at 273.4 and a BMI of 37.1, which is moving in the right direction. He's dropped 24 pounds so far, and I'm super-proud of him!
I think Jeff would look pretty hot in silver riding gear. Like a speeding bullet! 

  Katie once again is our winner-winner low-carb dinner with a 2 pound loss this week. She did attend the princess party, was our official photographer, helped assemble sandwiches and fell victim to her arch-nemesis (as well as her one true love. Kind of like Batman and Catwoman. But fudgier.), That Nefarious Nutella! The sight of the jar on the counter stopped her dead in her tracks and she was drawn to it like a chocolate tractor beam had gripped her by the tastebuds. I don't know what happened to the half-empty jar after we finished cleaning up. I suspect it has a special spot in her room, enshrined and idolized in a tasteful and yet somewhat creepy fashion. No, I can't tell you her weight yet. I can tell you that she has lost 56 pounds total and 9.7 points off her BMI! When we started this journey of wellness, Katie's BMI was almost 3 points higher than Jeff's. It is now nearly 4 points LOWER. AMAZING!!!!
KATIE! Resist the pull! Nutella has no power over you!

  So we lost a combined 3.6 pounds this week and our total combined weight loss since we started is 97.4 pounds. We just really love keeping all of you in suspense-"Is THIS  the week they will reach 100 pounds lost?" Um, nope. But with only 2.6 pounds for the team to lose, I honestly think we can make it next week. If our goal for this week is to each lose ONE POUND, yeah, I'm pretty sure we can do this thing!

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