Saturday, May 16, 2015

Learning to Love the Axis of Evil

  I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that I weigh myself obsessively every single morning. Sometimes I step on the scale 2 or 3 times in a row and reposition my feet (slightly forward, slightly back) just to see if a lower number will magically appear. Sometimes that actually works. You know you've done it, too. I can't be alone in this.
If I stand on just ONE foot...

  I know that some weight-management "experts" (read as "Quacks" or "snake-oil salesman". Dr. Oz, I'm talking about you) say that you should only weigh yourself once a week. Ppppphhhhhhhhttttttt! Whatever! How can I keep on track without my morning ritual with the Axis of Evil? It's a smart scale, you know. If I didn't check in every day, she would worry what happened to me. I'll have to take her with us when we go on vacation. Wouldn't want her to figure out how to dial 911 or go all 2001:A Space Odyssey. I can just picture it-we arrive home from our little getaway and the Axis of Evil has plugged into Jeff's "nerd center" and taken over the world as we know it. "News Flash-the Hostess, Nabisco and FritoLay factories have self-imploded. Findings are inconclusive as to how these explosions occured simultaneously and without warning, but experts have tracked a link to a Lose It! scale in Bremerton, Washington."
Yes, I do. Just let me live my life!!!

  It's still 2 days until our official weekly weigh-in day, but I got super-excited when I checked in with the old A of E this morning. I had REALLY wanted to be lazy and sleep in today, but no such luck. Mr. Early Morning Riser was up at his usual 5:00 a.m. He did let me sleep until 6:20, which is the time I usually wake up anyway. Jeff is a "get up and greet the day ready to go" kind of fella. I am a "play snooze tag for an hour, where the *bleep* is my coffee???, why does morning have to be so early???" kind of girl. So I was not thrilled to be wide awake at 6:20. 
  But I stumbled to the bathroom and stepped on the scale. The clouds parted and the angels sang as I read the number-128.2 pounds! I have not been in the 120's since I was in my 20's! I still have 18 pounds to go. But I'm over halfway to my goal now! I have lost 20.6 pounds so far. I hope I can keep the momentum going and not blow it today with my granddaughter's birthday party.
Me at the start-148 pounds
Goal-110 pounds


Me now-128 pounds


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