Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 13 Ends-And Good Riddance!!!

  You may have already guessed by the title of this post that Week 13 has been a big bucket of negative energy and a giant leap backwards for our little band of weight-loss misfits. I'm just gonna try to get this part over with. Rip it off quick like a Band-Aid so we can move forward. Ready?
Yeah, this one's gonna hurt!

Jeff is our winner of the week with a 1 pound loss. His weight tends to fluctuate over the week with a superior weight loss around Wednesday or Thursday and then a rebound by Monday's weigh in. Every week. So mid-week his numbers were better, but I LOVE Mondays so very much that I chose them for weekly weigh in. Sheer genius on my part. Oh well. Loss is loss and that's a positive thing. Jeff now weighs 274.8 pounds, which is AWESOME! He is under 275, which means he has lost a total of 22.2 pounds total. He is looking so good! Now to get him some cute little shorts for summer. Hot Hot Hot!
Too short? No such thing!

  Katie may have completely abandoned the diet this week, especially over the weekend which seems to be a weak point for all of us. She gained 2.6 pounds this week and no, I'm still not allowed to tell you her weight. She has a harder time sticking to the diet when she goes to her dad's every other weekend. I'm not blaming him, mind you. It's just that here at home ALL of us are on the diet and at her dad's house she has two step-brothers and her dad who aren't dieting or very healthy eaters. So it's more of a challenge to get her dad and step-mother to provide low-carb options. Even with this slight gain, Katie has lost a total of 50.8 pounds since we started the low-carb lifestyle and she looks AMAZING! 
  My own weight loss has been pretty lackluster. Like a tipsy teenager on prom night, I have let things go too far. I have used my busy schedule as an excuse to not get any exercise in. I have strayed from the diet path and taken a junk food exit ramp that was paved with pie. I would LOVE to blame Jeff for this derailment. It WAS his idea to go out for pizza and pie (chocolate cream pie, which I had been severely craving!) on Thursday night. But, if I'm being fair, I willingly went along with not even an iota of protest. "Pizza and Pie? HELL YES!!!!!" What was I thinking? Then over the weekend, my loving boyfriend, whom I adore, made a low-carb chocolate pudding and whipped cream treat that I happily stuffed my face into and licked the bowl clean. The shame of it all. 
Me, diving headfirst into a vat of chocolate pie filling. Join me?

  So my poor abused figure packed on an extra 1.6 pounds this week. Honestly, where is that little angel that's supposed to sit on my shoulder and argue with the sinful temptation devil on the other side? My angel performed a swan dive into that chocolate cream pie and left me to fend for myself. I'm conducting interviews for a new diet conscience. Applicants must be strong-willed, virtuous and look good in wings and a halo. Fast-food deviants need not apply.
The little winged deserter left me in the hands of the Sugar Devil!

  With this slight gain, my total weight loss since the beginning is 16.2 pounds and my current weight is 132.6 pounds with a (still healthy) BMI of 24.3, which I am very thankful for. 
  Our team's progress this week was definitely detoured, with a total GAIN of 3.2 pounds. Our team loss to date is 88.6 pounds, which is still pretty amazing. So we will rally once again, get back on track and move those numbers DOWN next week. 
I'm going to have to join Jeff on the ThermoFit to keep my weight-loss moving!

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