Monday, May 4, 2015

Week 14-Where Did The Time Go?

  I can't believe a whole week has passed already! Life has been very non-stop lately. Every day seems to go by faster then the last and there is never enough time. Let's get you all caught up!
  Katie had another awesome week-she lost 3.2 pounds! That is a total of 54 pounds so far! There was a fair amount of cheating on her part. Saturday she went with some folks from her high school choir to see Phantom of the Opera in Seattle. They had a wonderful time-she's obsessed with it now! She had a decadent dinner of pasta, but I think she burned it off walking up and down the glorious hills in the Emerald City. Her BMI has dropped 6.2 points!!! Just so you have something to compare that to, my BMI has dropped 3 points and Jeff's has dropped 3.1 points. This kid is incredible! 
Katie and her friends at Phantom of the Opera. And she's in THAT dress again! Love!

  Jeff had a really good week going until Arnold Palmer derailed him on Saturday. Jeff's friend Abel introduced him to Arnold Palmer's Half and Half Iced Tea Lemonade. Good old A.P. makes a Zero-calorie-1-carb version which is tasty and refreshing. Gotta keep hydrated, right? Well, Jeff went shopping and accidentally grabbed the "Lite" version instead of the "Zero". Whoops! The "Lite" A.P. has 14 grams of carbs in each serving. He drank the whole jug of 16 servings on Saturday, polishing off 224 grams of carbs! YIKES!!! Even with his liberal libations, Jeff did not gain a single ounce for this weigh in. He didn't lose any weight either, which has him a little disappointed. He had been doing so well this week-no cheating and dropping a few pounds before Saturday. But he remains at 274.8 pounds for the moment, a total weight loss of 22.2 pounds. 

Darn you, Arnold! Can Jeff get a mulligan on this week?

  I lost one little pound this week, dropping my weight to 131.6 pounds. It's a great improvement on my 1.6 pound gain last week, but I'm still slightly disappointed. Why, you ask? Because yesterday I was 129.6 pounds, and that sounds so much better! Into a whole new "decade" of digits. the 120's!!! But, alas, no. That glorious moment was but a whisper in time. What happened between Sunday morning and the dawning of Monday? I do not know. I didn't go all Thelma and Louise off the carbohydrate cliff and wasn't completely lazy all day. I weighed myself 3 times this morning, but the Axis of Evil refused to cooperate and give me the kudos of yesterday. Stupid scale. It giveth and it taketh away. I guess it's all right. I've lost 17.2 pounds to date, so I'm just going to sigh and feel good about that. *sigh*
120's! Had it! Lost it! You won't slip past me again!

  Group weight loss for the week is 4.2 pounds and we have lost a combined 92.8 pounds since the beginning! So the challenge for the week-to lose 7.2 pounds total and reach 100 pounds lost by Monday! If each of loses 2.4 pounds this week, we will hit that mark! We all know Katie can do that without trying too hard. Jeff and I are really going to have to step it up this week to hold up our end. Neither of us have been putting up those kind of numbers in the last several weeks, so it's time to buckle down and make things happen! We're going to hit the 100 pound mark by Monday the 11th and nothing is gonna stand in our way!
  Happy Star Wars Day and May the 4th be with us!!!
I'm still more Jabba the Hut than Princess Leia-but I'm getting there!

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