Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 15-Not the Best, Not the Worst

  Our goal this week was to lose a combined 7.2 pounds to reach 100 pounds total lost since beginning this journey. I would love to say that we blew that out of the water, but the truth is we just blew it. 
Holy Crap! What happened HERE?????

  Holidays are our biggest downfall. What is it about a holiday that makes us all so hungry? Maybe it's the commercials and ads for restaurants and edible gifts. "Hey folks, show mom how much you love her on Mother's Day with an endless buffet of delectable treats. Nothing says I love you like pasta and pastries!" And that really is how we show our moms that we love and appreciate them. After all of the home-cooked meals and tasty snacks our mothers lovingly prepared for us growing up, we return the favor in kind. It makes perfect sense. 
Happy Mother's Day! I got you a sugar-induced-coma! Love ya!

  So that's what we did. We had a barbecue for our moms and family on Sunday. Jeff grilled up juicy hamburgers and hot dogs and baked salmon. I (with the help of Jeff's nephew, Brayden) prepared this amazing cauliflower salad (just like potato salad, but 86 the potatoes for cauliflower). And because I can't host a meal without having dessert available, I baked a strawberry-rhubarb pie. There were other offerings as well-chips, pea salad, shrimp, chocolate pie. We could've been good little dieters. But we weren't. We ate the meat packed into buns, indulged in chips and pies. Jeff drank beer, I had wine. It was all so good! 
  But, the aftermath was just this side of devastating. My weekly weigh in the morning after was a paltry .4 pounds lost. Jeff lost a slightly better .6 pounds. Katie had a no loss/no gain week. 
  Sometimes I wish I was like those people that are not that into food. You know the ones. Everybody has a friend like that. The people that can eat one M&M or don't get excited about a hot and steamy plate of noodles and cheese. In some ways, I am so jealous of those individuals who can walk past the buffet table at a celebration and not even glance at the offerings. Were they born without taste buds? Do they lack salivary glands? Maybe they aren't so lucky. I can't imagine a life where there is no joy in sharing a meal with loved ones. 
Me at the buffet table...Did somebody say there's a chocolate fountain?

  So the Axis of Evil sits quietly in our bathroom, waiting for us to redeem ourselves in week 16. She will record our efforts and send them via bluetooth to the app on our phone (an app which stands for appetite in this house). 
  Next week our goal will be a combined weight loss of 6.2 pounds. Just slightly more than 2 pounds each. I want us to reach that 100 pounds lost goal!!! Jeff will need to get back on his ThermoFit (he hasn't been taking it lately), and Katie and I will need to be stronger-willed. More exercise, less holiday! 
  This Saturday is my grand-daughter's 3rd birthday party, which I am hosting at my house. (No, Katie is not the mommy. I have another daughter, Chelsea, who is 22. Sheesh!) There will be a princess-themed cake and treats right here in my kitchen. If I'm lucky, the birthday girl will spit all over the cake when she blows out her candles!
So tempting until it's covered in slobber. 


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