Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 13 Ends-And Good Riddance!!!

  You may have already guessed by the title of this post that Week 13 has been a big bucket of negative energy and a giant leap backwards for our little band of weight-loss misfits. I'm just gonna try to get this part over with. Rip it off quick like a Band-Aid so we can move forward. Ready?
Yeah, this one's gonna hurt!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Droopy Drawers and Child Geniuses

    This week has been another mile-a-minute busy one! I feel like I'm never home anymore. No time for taking those walks, and it shows! My average daily steps this week have been a truly pathetic 6,189. Why can't I get motivated to make those walks a priority? I enjoy them-I love the time with Jeff and I feel so good afterwards. I know how much I need to do this, but I can't seem to get myself out the door. Jeff isn't walking either. I don't know why it's so hard to get started again. It's like flossing. I'm REALLY good about flossing for about a week after I go to the dentist. Next thing you know, it's been 6 months, I'm back at the dentist and I get an "F" for no effort. No flossing has happened, and I get a new roll of floss that will gather dust in the bathroom drawer.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 12 Wrap Up

  The end of Week 12 has brought us a few surprises! I'll get right to the stats:
  I lost 2.2 pounds this week! I've been pretty good on the diet this week. But, I did have a big and tasty burrito on Thursday and fish and chips for dinner on Friday night. But I wasn't able to finish either of those meals. I have not been going for walks. My average steps this week have been 6,138 per day. So lame. And I haven't had the excuse of bad weather-it has been beautiful and sunny most of the week. But YAY ME just the same! My current weight is an even 131 pounds and my BMI is a healthy 24.0! So I have to wonder, is the weight loss due to the muscles I developed while I was being a good little walker turning to flab? Muscle weighs more than fat, you know. (That's science, children). Maybe those weeks that I had a slight weight gain even though I was crushing my walking goals and following the diet to the letter, I had built up some serious muscle that contributed to the Axis of Evil handing out negative reports. Even when I win, I lose! It's time to blow the dust off my walking shoes and turn the flab into FAB!
The one on the left looks just like my booty...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Excuses, Excuses

  It's been 10 days since the last day of Lent and I have turned into a pathetic slacker as far as this lifestyle change is concerned. Even my Jawbone UP has been verbally abusing me for my slackitude. Today's message was particularly damning. "You haven't been your active self lately. Your 7 day step average of 5,861 is less than usual. Start fresh with 500 extra steps today? You lazy sloth." Yes, I ad-libbed the last sentence. J.U. is not exactly subtle, though. And to be fair, I totally forgot to put my Jawbone on last Thursday, so I didn't get any steps in at all that day. Okay, okay-I have EPICALLY failed on the walking since Easter. Jeff and I haven't logged any walks on our Nike app since Easter. Not a single one. Nobody's been jogging in place watching TV or doing laps through the house to hit the 10,000 mark. I have dropped to #8 on the walking team. #EIGHT!!!!!
Me and Jeff-chillin' and grubbin'. At least it's veggies, right?

Monday, April 13, 2015

Getting Back on Track for Week 11

  Here we are at the end of week 11, can you believe it? I know I haven't been posting much the last couple of weeks. Life has had some interesting twists and turns that have taken my attentions elsewhere. But I will try to be a better blogger in the coming weeks. 
  So last week we had our carb-fest that was Easter, which totally wrecked my progress for week 10. This week I have lost 3.2 pounds. Sort of. Okay, here's the scoop. Last Monday I had bloated to 136.4 pounds after our sugar-coated holiday, which was a .6 pound gain from the previous week. However, the day before weekly weigh-in I weighed in at 133.4 pounds. And by Wednesday of last week, my weight had returned to that 133.4 pounds. So, aside from the Easter fiasco, I really have only lost .2 pounds this week. But then again, Monday IS the official weigh in day and it's the only one that REALLY counts. So a 3.2 pound loss it is! Don't judge me.
Good riddance you furry menace!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wardrobe Redux

  Yesterday was a terrific day! I took Katie shopping for some new clothes. All of her jeans are sagging in a most unflattering way and her shirts are so loose she could hide her backpack under them. Katie has lost 48 pounds and 3 jeans sizes! She was so excited to get some new things and to be able to shop in the Juniors department. We didn't stock up a whole new wardrobe, because she is planning on losing more weight and summer will be here soon. But she got 2 new dresses, 2 pairs of jeans, 2 new leggings and 2 shirts. Now she can clean a few things out of her wardrobe and look forward to shopping for summer clothes in a couple of months. For those of you not familiar with our fabulous Pacific Northwest calendar, summer is approximately 8 weeks long through July and August. So we have plenty of time before the warm weather sets in!
This counts as exercise, doesn't it?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Post-Lent and Week 10 Wrap-Up

Happy Easter from Katie, Annie, Angela and the Easter Bunnies
  Well dear friends, Lent is over, Easter is passed and we are at the end of week 10. So much has happened this week! There have definitely been some highs and lows, not only in our weight fluctuations but also in other trials and challenges. 

  Our 10,000 steps a day Lenten challenge is over. Jeff never missed a single day. He walked in place while he voiced colorful opinions about his computer's performance (or lack of), he subjected himself to long walks with me that at times were like attempting to walk a surly, distracted chihuahua without a leash or treats to keep it under control and he walked 6 miles in a downpour of liquid sunshine to help our friend Tom renovate his new restaurant. Jeff finished #2 on the Jawbone UP team behind only Amy, whom I assume hasn't sat down for the entire 40 days of Lent! She is amazing and inspirational. I'm gonna beat her steps next month-wait and see!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

This has nothing to do with the blog, I just need to try it-HILARIOUS!